Monday, August 10, 2015

The Verbonc Campaign Adventurers - their Public Background

Elysande - female Half-Elf Rogue/Sorceress

Elysande is a beautiful, tall, lithe young woman with reddish brown hair, an even peaches-and-cream complexion, and striking blue-green eyes. She appears slender and delicate, but is actually somewhat tougher physically than she seems.

Elysande is the youngest acknowledged daughter of Ashfor de Wendover, head of the prosperous Wendover merchant family of Verbonc. She is the only half-elven member of her family, having been born out of a relationship between her human father and an elven woman many years after Ashfor was widowed.

Her mother returned to Celene shortly afterward (for reasons that have never been made clear to Elysande), and the baby was left in the care of her human family. She grew up a bit spoiled, but lonely. Her father was kind; but he already had human children to carry on the business and family name, so not much was asked or required of her. She nonetheless received a good education in all the skills required of a competent merchant, and did well in them. While she is not directly involved in her father's business, she has learned a great deal about it.

She became obsessed with her fey heritage, and this eventually led her to a faerie glade where she made a pact with the Archfey. She is still curious about her mother and elven side of her family, but knows almost nothing of them. She does sometimes take undue (and obnoxious) pride in her fey and elven heritage: she believes it makes her superior, and this view very occasionally seeps through her kind exterior. Generally, though, she has an attractive personality. She is considerate, kind, and diplomatic.

She is quite loyal to her human family, and has good if not close relationships with all of them, especially her young nephews and nieces. Elysande's father is now semi-retired. Her eldest half-brother Hulcot has basically taken over, along with her other half-siblings. The Wendover concerns branch out through Dyvres and Urnst, and even reach all the way to distant Nyrond. The Wendovers are linked to the Golden Scroll Coffers, a loose syndicate of merchants and bankers throughout central Oerik. Various family members have also intermarried with other prominent merchant families. All this gives Elysande a wide network to draw upon when needed.

Viseera - female Human Fighter

Viseera was an orphan until she was old enough to pledge allegiance to her Duke. She spent her childhood practicing the art of swordsmanship, caught the eye of an old local fencing master and eventually became renowned for being a talented fencer. It was a surprise to all when he adopted her on his death bed and, since he was a ducal knight himself, she was eventually knighted and given the honourable task of protecting ‘Princess’ Ophelia, the Duke’s daughter. Viseera secretly vowed to give her life to protect her as she had fallen madly in love the moment she saw her. Her desires were returned as the princess wrote her beautifully written letters expressing her love to Viseera. They met most nights to see each other until another knight under the allegiance of the Duke found out and blackmailed Viseera into doing his bidding.

Eventually all the knights knew about the relationship between them and gave her the title Heartchaser for her hopelessly romantic heart. When the Duke discovered this information, he had Viseera marked as a traitor and planned to have her executed. Viseera had already escaped and told Ophelia that she'd return for her while the Duke were sending out knights to have her captured dead or alive.

She tends to acts as if she was in a Shakespeare play.

Ogash - female Half-Orc Fighter


Demi-Orc avide et assez cruelle, élevée dans les mines de Puy de Dome (aussi connues sous le nom de ‘Redstone’) dans la Marche de Crystal de Furyondy avec une rancœur contre le Comte de la Marche qui a fait tuer ses parents (parmi tant d’autres) à cause de leur participation à une rébellion. Peu de statut social, peu d’or, dégoût pour sa cité l’ont conduite à partir chercher richesses et compagnons ailleurs.
Guerrière, l’attaque soudaine de sa troupe d’éclaireurs par des creatures du maléfique Dieu vivant Iuz le Vile lui a donné l’occasion de quitter définitivement le royaume, après avoir brûlé dignement ses anciens camarades.
Sa psyché perturbée, ses loyautés en perpétuel conflit sont devenues trop lourdes à supporter. Elle quitte les frontières de son ancien royaume, se dirigeant vers le Sud où des rumeurs suggèrent que les batards de sa race Orc sont bien reçus dans les terres du Pomarj. Ainsi elle entre dans la ville portuaire de Concardrieux (‘Highport’).
Elle trouve emploi comme mercenaire sur un bateau marchand/corsaire/négrier, la ‘Perle du Diable’ (Devil’s Pearl). Commence alors un long voyage vers le Sud-Ouest où Ogash apprend le métier de marin ainsi que de nombreuses langues.
Ayant aboutie dans les terres d’Araya et de Sule, elle se joint à une caravane qui est détruite par un puissant Efreet.

Half-Orc with a good measure of greed and cruelty, Ogash was raised in the mines of Redstone in the Crystalreach of Furyondy. Born with neither social standing nor gold, embittered with rancor against the Count of the Reach who had her parents killed (among many others) because of their participation in a local rebellion, she fled in distaste his cities to seek wealth and companions elsewhere.
Warrior trained, the sudden attack of her troop of scouts by evil creatures of the living God Iuz the Wicked gave her the opportunity to permanently leave the kingdom after having burned in dignity her former comrades.
Her disturbed psyche, her loyalties in perpetual conflict became too heavy to bear. She left the borders of her former kingdom, heading south where rumors suggested her bastard Orcish heritage would be well received in the lands of the Pomarj. She thus reached the coastal city of Highport.
There she found employment as a mercenary on a merchant / pirate / slaver ship, the Devil's Pearl. Thus began a long journey south-west where Ogash learned the trade of a sailor, as well as learning many languages.
Arriving in the lands of Araya and Sule, she joined a caravan that was destroyed by a powerful Efreet.

Arturo Chenbois - male Human Fighter/Rogue

You will most often find Arturo in one of the many flop houses, dives and watering holes within the slums of Narwell. A cold man, he rarely has a pleasant word to say to anyone. He keeps to himself, talks little and cares less. He is quiet, unassuming and has a tendency to fade into the background. .

He is short, with close-cropped black hair, a narrow nose and eyes that move slowly. He can often be seen mumbling to himself inaudibly, and when he does talk to people he rarely looks them in the eye, his gaze instead directed to their body. He dresses in simple, non-descript clothing, although attentive persons will spot a number of blades and hilts concealed under his clothes or in his boots. 

Arturo arrived in Narwell less than a year ago, escaped from the slave pits of the Pomarj where he has survived for the last five years. A soldier in the army of one of the Wild Coast cities that fell during the Orcish invasion in 593, he was taken as a slave, tortured and beaten until even his memories of his life before the invasion were hazy.

During his time as a slave he was a solitary individual, keeping to himself and looking out for his own best interests. Some weapons were kept by slaves, and Arturo kept himself armed with a crude, but razor sharp knife. He never turned it on his masters, but used it to keep other slaves in check and to make things marginally better for himself. He eventually was caught killing another slave for food, and soon found himself in the fighting pits.

He made a small name for himself, surviving numerous battles using his warrior skills as well as his natural agility and brilliance to keep himself alive. While in the city of Highport, he finally made his bid for freedom, killing his own master, and carving a path of death through the ranks of the orcs. He escaped the city aboard the Devil’s Pearl, and eventually made his way north to the Wild Coast where he found himself living in the slums of Narwell. His talents eventually caught the eye of Abram Shaen who took Arturo into his employ.

Valerio - male Human Wizard

Born in the city of Elredd, Valerio was quickly noticed as a child for his intelligence and adventurous spirit. He waited eagerly until he was of age to join the city’s mage school until he was finally accepted. Learning the arcane came easy to him, any subject he desired to know further of was rapidly assimilated with the rest of his knowledge. He studied until he grew bored of the monotony of the day to day in college as a young adult and decided that it was time to test his skills on the field.

He joined a small group of adventurers and bonded with them over their mutual yearning for the unknown and inexperienced. In the company, he met Stefania a young woman with an unrelenting character and they grew fond of each other.

He traveled with them for a couple of years until they received word of an imminent attack on his home city. Together, leaving their task at hand behind, they hastily made way to the city of Elredd to be of aid in any way possible. On their way, they were ambushed by a patrolling group of orcs who immediately called for reinforcement not wasting a moment’s breath.

They fought valiantly in this battle but it was not enough. In the midst of the fight, in response to an attack that Valerio had little chance of avoiding, Stefania threw herself into its collision path. More fell shortly after her and before long; they were hopelessly surrounded by the creatures.

Captured by the orcs, those that did not show potential for selling as a slave were slain like dogs in front of their comrades. Valerio was kept for his knowledge of magic and was in due time sold to a strange hooded man who brought him deep underground where the sunlight does not reach.

Deep under, he was delivered to Yidrith, a mindflayer, who ruthlessly probed his mind for knowledge of humans and the world above. Valerio quickly became its favorite prisoner as he would not break under the strains of its tortures.

Five years were spent under the cold grasps of the monster until he was freed from his prison from the breaking of an artifact in the mindflayer’s laboratory that kept him chained through magic. He wandered until he found his old belongings as he sought to escape before the alien being returned.

Saeros (& Alec) - female (& male) Elf Ranger/Druid

"I remember when we were young... we would share long walks in the forest... I would pick flowers and read books... You would swing your sword and shoot arrows at the squirrels and rabbits..." Alec mused in-between breaths. "Do you remember Saeros? When you almost killed that elk? And I forced you to show him mercy, threatening I would never forgive you if you killed him...Do you remember?"

Asked a young white haired elf, whom shifted his frail body in an upright sitting position.

"How stupid I was to take that away from you... Mother and father would have been impressed with your hunting skills." His eyes black as coal turned darker.

"We we`re so young, moving it would have been impossible at the time, without proper equipment and man power." She answered matter of factly.

"Right..." He softly smiled "Where is mother?" He questioned. Alec now tired again, laid flat on his bed.

Radiantly beautiful, small in figure Saeros with snow-white hair to match the boy in the bed quickly turned her head down, staring at the veins on the back of her hands.

Saeros felt sick at heart having to watch him lay there covered head to toe in bandage. She could no longer look at him without feeling burning anger. Anger for not being able to help him, anger for the man who did this to him. Anger for not being strong enough to do something besides whine like a child.

"Mother shouldn't be long, she was talking to grandfather seeking higher direction...for the problem with fa-"Saeros choked on her last word. "Father." She swallowed.

Alecs gaze left hers to fall somewhere on a fixed point along the wall.

She wanted to help him, to stop his suffering. He was the most important person she had. Yet she could not stop this from happening and she could never forgive herself for the curse Alec will have to live with for the remaining time of his life.

"I want to help you... how can I help you?" She pleaded for an answer.

"What I seek is too much to ask."

"What is too much?"

"I want to be able to have a proper nights rest. I want my hands to stop shaking when I hold my quill… I want to know what it feels like to be hungry again, to taste the food that is in my mouth. Most of all I want to look into his pathetic sorry eyes when I drive my blade straight through his heart and kill him where he stands!" Alecs voice dripped with hatred.

"I will see to you have everything and more... I will stand next to you in battle, shield you from harm and guide your blade if must. I am prepared to die for your cause brother." Saeros sat proud holding her fist to her chest, tears streaming down her face.

"Then all is just." He grinned.

Vaso - male Human Wizard

Vaso was raised from infancy in a monastery not far from the city of Elredd on the wild coast, now held by the Pomarj. He was happy there, studying religion, surrounded by those he called brother and father. When he was about 12 or 13 however, strange things began to happen around him. He began to, quite inexplicably, terrify the people around him for which he cared. Over the next year or so, these isolated events became increasingly consistent, and he became hated, ostracized and banished. As he left, under the glowering eyes of his once family, an old mentor of his felt pity for him, and gave him direction in the form of the name and location of the man who had brought him there as a baby.
Thus began Vaso’s quest for knowledge, acceptance and identity. He began by finding Rodrik, the disillusioned soldier who had saved him from the mob that killed his parents, in Elredd. The man told him as much as he knew of his dark origins, which wasn’t much, but it was enough to terrify Vaso, shattering his very sense of self forevermore.
He traveled back to the town of his birth, the village of Metello, but found few leads. He discovered only the name of his father, and a series of vague accounts of the man who was responsible for his birth. He found only a lush field where his house had been burned years ago.
Returning to Rodrik, the soldier grudgingly called in a favor from a wizard working at the local college, Gendry. Intrigued by Vaso’s story, he agreed to take him in. Although he was not a student of the college, and had to work for his accommodations, Vaso was allowed to live on the school grounds, so long as he lived by certain conditions. He spent his time learning from Gendry what he could, and reading from the college’s extensive collection whenever he could spare an hour. He learned much during these short years, but his powers were still very volatile and difficult to control. Gendry’s experiments, and the observations derived from their many sessions, helped him to learn a little about their nature, but did little to help him control them. After having lived on the grounds for about three years, an accident forced him to flee again.
He was caught however, by Gendry, and by Kielgrave. Together, with the help of three additional wizards, he underwent the most painful experience of his life. The experience allowed him to have more control over his powers than ever before, but at a steep price. In and out of consciousness for months, he woke up on a cart, weak and disoriented. The cart was driven by Rodrik, who explained that the Pomarj had been getting close to Elredd, and Gendry had tasked him with bringing Vaso to Safeton, where he could rest and heal safely.

He would spend the next few months there, while Elredd fell. He did not know the fates of Gendry, or of Kielgrave, but hoped they had escaped, or otherwise survived the attacks, so that he could find them and get answers to some of the many questions that burned away inside him. Rodrik had left as soon as they had arrived so, alone, Vaso made his way further north, surviving by taking odd jobs, adventuring, and training. He hopes to one day master his powers, to become strong enough to venture back to Elredd, deep in Pomarj territory, where his answers might remain. Perhaps, if he is lucky, he might even learn who his father was, how he died, and of the circumstances that led that man to take the actions that made him what he was today. 

Shaihothep - male Baklun (Human) Wizard

Shaihothep parents, Menon and Sikhis, along with two older brothers (Tarun and Shefeb), an older sister (Nili), a younger brother and sister (Oziz and Sheritra) came from far away Nekheb in Araya, as Menon was a restless merchant seeking better fortunes. He wasn't that prosper and after consulting the oracles took a big gamble at some point joining a large caravan with his family, to trade in far lands. Shaihothep was twelve at the time. He was the quick one, analyzing and curious about anything and everything in the world... less so for human interactions which he found sometimes a distraction from understanding other, more interesting things... He would probably not become the honey-tongued merchant Menon developed in... Menon indulged Shaihothep though, hoping to see him become an administrative high official or such, and while he urged Shaihothep to mingle more to develop his sociable side, he also recognized that Shaihothep's intellectual pursuits he and his wife had encouraged, as well as his ways of using them in social contexts, created a slight barrier between Shaihothep and others... This led Shaihothep to lean towards the side of the underdog more than the popular, something that Menon was not happy about. But he was a busy man, and had other sons more cheerfully disposition-ed, one even a natural-born merchant like him (Tarun), one a fighter in the town guards (Shefeb). So he left Shaihothep to his studies. Eventually when Shaihothep was 18, he was impressed by a passing hermit's knowledgeable comments, and one thing leading to another he was reluctantly given leave by his parents to become his apprentice for a year. The hermit lived 5 weeks travel away, that trek had been one of the trips he undertook to learn, and teach the world once every few years. With him, Shaihothep improved greatly his knowledge of history, religion and nature, Oerydian and even Suel and some Elvish, as well as his agility and reflexes... He also developed his meditation, to steel his mind and create a strong inner sanctuary. Physically he was quick, yes, but frail... Not in health, he was quite resilient, his blood quickly clot and he rarely caught a bad cold. But using his muscles just didn't have much appeal to him, he preferred by far to sit and reflect, or meditate...

Shaihothep used to get news by a trading caravan every few months or so, but on the 10th month he did not receive any news. Finally a month late, he learned that the growing threat of a new, or old? evil called simply Elemental Evil had stricken in several places. Already chancy travel was now mush less safe, except in numbers... He came back with that caravan, too late... He learned of the catastrophic news by other merchants, many things from hearsay... Shaihothep parents, Menon and Sikhis, as well as Tarun, Shefeb and Nili were killed by Heka-wielding creatures (not sure which kind, mixed probably) but most probably related to this rise of the Elemental Evil threat. Oziz and Sheritra were never found again, but were deemed taken, maybe as slaves, for better or worse. After investigating as much as he could, obsessively, about what happened, and knowing achingly he could not yet exact his vengeance, he decided to assuage his grief and anger by giving himself (and his dead parents and siblings) the unyielding promise to rise in knowledge and power and have no rest until the murderers were found and killed. He joined a library and worked as a scribe, and for a few years searched and meditated on what stories and lore of symbols, of Heka he could find. His dedication to faithful transcriptions and studies was noticed by his superiors, and his quickness of mind and knowledge were probed by a man known to be a Hekai. After hearing out Shaihothep's tragic story and knowing the reason for his studies, the man kindly indicated many sources he should now go over, talking with the Head Librarian to let him gain special permissions to access protected lore that was previously forbidden to him... He said he was going on a long journey, and would come back eventually to see his progress. Unfortunately, he didn't. But eventually, thanks to Shaihothep's remarkable determination, aided by his astonishing mental acuity and memory, and with the helpful "illuminatingly cryptic" riddles given him by the Head Librarian to solve when his translation work was exceptionally well done (which was what he strived for), Shaihothep found a way to interpret the deep lore to reshape reality by himself: casting Wajad Hekai for the first time. Then Tcheten Shepit...

Shahid ben Alcazzar - male Human Rogue/Wizard

I am Shahid ben Alcazzar, born of the strange union between an artisan known to everyone in Nekheb by the name of Amn-Nasir and my beautiful mother Neferen of house Neru.

Luckily for me, I've inherited of my father's conviviality and my mother's natural charm. As a kid, I've always been the popular one around the neighborhood.
I remember running with my gang of merry goers in the streets of the vibrant city Nekheb can be. With its music, its infinite luxuries and its women dressed in long colorful dresses, making it the greatest of all cities. And trust me, I've visited quite a few! I remember jumping from roof to roofs, climbing house windows and taking what we wanted. These were the good years.

I also remember this one strange kid. Shaihothep was his name. The other kids didn't like him very much and he didn't seem to like them either. We nonetheless spent a lot of time together sharing a strange obsession for magic and other fine things of life. We use to spy on the old Lamashizzar in his laboratorium. At some point, I even convinced Shaihothep to help me crack open the window and climb into the old man's mansion to steel some of his material to make our own experiments. That didn't turn out quite as planned but we still had a blast and that's all that mattered back then.

At some point however, Shaihothep and his whole family left. I remember his father coming to our house. Him and Amn-Nasir had a business arrangement. There was some shouting and fighting and a fortnight later they were all gone never to return. I hope everything turned out alright for him..

In all cases, I decided to put my natural talents to use and join the town circus. I quickly became one of Nekheb's best young actor-entertainers. None could surpass my talents. At night I was performing in front of largely filled audiences and during the day I was researching of novel ways to magically enhance my performances. I eventually started being requested at private noble parties and my life quickly became dull as they wouldn't take no for an answer. I wanted to please crowds, not withered old men who feel empowered by showing off wealth to a handful of guesses.

I had to leave Nekheb if I wanted the world to know my talents.

While I traveled the world, my main occupation was theater. I learned to impersonate, disguise and please the public. Every month I discovered new places. I learned to speak many languages and live in many cultures. Unfortunately, the world is not all theaters and acrobats but a rather quite dangerous place. I needed a protector. With the help of a wondrous mentor named Khalifra, I learned a great many ways to manipulate life's fabric to better serve oneself. At some point, Khalifra spoke about a powerful artifact she knew resided in my native country. The crown of the long deceased Amun-Re. It is said to be a powerful sentient item that grants its wielder great power over the essence of life that surrounds him.

Who wouldn't want to wear such a crown?

Despite Khalifra's great warnings about Amun Re's temple and also partly out of nostalgia to see Nekheb again, I went back to my origins. I found Amun Re's denied final resting place, paid my respect to Anubis to receive the blessing of the crypts guardians and dived into a magical fire that transported me in a dumbfounding maze.

I know I am not alone in this place. Some powerful beasts are lurking about and I have managed to avoid them so far. I have no clue how long I have been in here. The mist seems to be dulling my wits. I will soon be running out of resources and I'm not sure how much longer I can survive here by myself. Khalifra was probably right. She's always right...