Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Aerdian Empire Campaign Adventurers - their Public Background

Torvo aka Isadore Sidonia Torvo (Isadorus Sidonius Torvus)- male Human Paladin of Alia-Istia

Torvus is the scion of a patrician Onwalian family based in Bergardis Pontum. He was an unexpected blessing for his parents (or so they tell him!), as his mother had already provided several heirs for the Casa de Sidonia and was thought to be beyond childbearing. They named him "Isadore" from an ancient Medegian phrase meaning "gift of the goddess".

He was not in the direct line of inheritance, so his parents encouraged him to pursue a career in the clergy of Alia-Istia. However, in spite of his sincere devotion to the Mother Goddess, Torvo's inclinations were more martial than scholarly. After a few frustrating years of trying to force him into the mold of a priest, his parents relented and allowed him to train as a holy warrior instead.

When it became clear that rebellion was brewing the Onwalian peninsula, Don Sidonia was uncertain of how it would turn out. He decided to hedge his bets. He sent his young son Torvo and daughter Sidonia Mansueta - also a devotee of the Goddess - to the great Temple of Alia-Istia in Hospicio Balneum, along with a good portion of the family fortune to be used as a dowry for Mansueta. There Torvo could continue his training as a Holy Warrior of Alia-Istia, seek a suitable husband for his sister, and perhaps gain the regard of the Governess Karasinia and her paramour Prince Strychanius - which would be useful for the gens Sidonia if the Onwalian rebellion went badly.

As patricians and dedicated followers of Alia-Istia, the Sidonia siblings were received politely at the Governess' court. However, the subsequent uprising in Onwalia made their position awkward. It was under these circumstances that they met two other recent arrivals, Lepida and Viridis of the Tiberii. The gens Tiberia had also recently become involved in Onwalian politics, and they too were outsiders to the court, though enjoying the personal favour of the Governess and Prince. The young Sidonii and Tiberii soon discovered that they had much in common, and formed bonds of friendship - culminating in Viridis' marriage to Mansueta.

With the uprising having ended in Onwalian victory (for now!) and his mission to find a husband for Mansueta accomplished, Torvo has agreed to accompany Saxeus back to Onwalia. The young paladin will do his best to serve Alia-Istia against the Brotherhood's onslaught, and to represent the interests of his sister and cuñado (brother-in-law) within the Onwalian branch of the Tiberii.

Thoneus - male Gnome Druid

Within the Tiberii house, there lives a gnome. He has been there for so long that few who live there ever think to question his presence. Who is this gnome? Why is he here? What is his purpose? Should anybody care to find out, they could find records showing that many gnomes have lived among the Tiberii, going back for centuries. Accounts of this particular gnome differ, however. Written records show the house was inhabited by Whinny Bobblecock, followed by an Erky Gerriwinkle, a Ululu Ouabawimmiwack, and a Morfunus Thenuous, but older Tiberii attest that these are all the same person. It is difficult to say at what point, or name, this particular gnome came to inhabit the residence, but all agree that he currently goes by the name Thoneus, and that he has been there for as long as living memory. Those keen in history, or directly involved in the administrative affairs of the family would know he and the clan he speaks for are long-standing clients if the Tiberii, but most simply accept his presence as granted, as essential as the norms that define them.

Thoneus is 3'2'' with tan skin and pale blonde/orange hair that constantly stands on end, despite his efforts to tie it back. His darker, burnt orange beard is by contrast, is neatly trimmed, but styled according to his mood every day. He wears simple clothes of brown and green. He is often seen to carry around an ermine he seems to have tamed, but nobody knows where exactly he keeps it so they haven't been able to get rid of it. The gnome often smells a bit like earth and wet leaves, to the delight of many children but the contempt of others.

Nobody has met any of his family, but to hear him talk of them, he has so many family members it is impossible to keep track of them. He often shares stories of the exploits and experiences of his vast network of relations, and it's sometimes difficult to separate the fact from the fiction. The children of the house tend to like him for his stories and occasional pranks. The staff however, do not. His words and actions often get him into trouble, but he seems to just as easily get out of it. The Pater Familia once enjoyed his company, but now has more important matters to attend to. That said, the agreement between the families stands, if only because they often aren't worth thinking about.

He used to speak openly about his faith, especially to children (he could not hold the attention of others on the subject for long at all), until he was found to have a dangerous influence on a particular child and severely punished for it. He now worships discreetly, but most know he worships some nature god or another.

He is, to many, an irrelevant bystander, a nuisance or worse. To others however, his constant presence, and the consistency of his character and manner, have made him a source of comfort, if not a valuable friend.

Cruox - male Dwarf Slayer

Part of a small modest family, yet honorable.
Sentinel, curious, first to a battle scene, found a gold ring
Ring taken, shame on him from his own family...
Given difficult/more dangerous assignments under harsh supervision, suddenly was hit, fell down, then unnaturally fell asleep and was kicked down a small crevasse, left for dead...
Was the sole survivor, was nicknamed "Govil"
He was sent in a caravan to distant cousins along with a few Khazâdkin
Caravan was attacked 3 times, but was successful in repelling attackers each time
He was captured...
He was acquired by a family that surprisingly knew about dwarves. The Pater Familia and him came to an agreement after he impulsively (and unexpectedly) saved the little girl.

'Marco' or 'Aenea' - female Human Messenger

A scrawny little thing, the messenger 'Marco', later known by very few as 'Aenea', is a young girl passing off as a boy. She is a happy kid that can also be very susceptible, a teenage hothead. She likes being outside, and is slightly claustrophobic.

Circumstances have thrown her in the path of the Goddess of Magic and Death Wee Jas. A dark ritual in Scantium has gone wrong, and she is now 'touched' by the Dark Goddess.

Sertor Mordenius Korvus - male Human Bard Sorcerer

Sertor Mordenius Korvus
was born into Mordenius family some 24 years ago. With his father gone (presumably fallen victim to the vicissitudes of Imperial politics, Fiendish power struggles or both) when the boy was 4 years old, his uncle, Lupius Mordenius Varro, has been a great influence on Korvus in his earlier years.

When the boy's magical talents became apparent, the path of his life from that moment onward was set. At the magical college Korvus has proven to be a studious young man although not one to abandon other pursuits in favor of knowledge arcane or otherwise. As a gregarious patrician with rare magical talents and a ready wit he was popular with his peers.

While being at the center of attention stroked his ego plenty, Korvus had more long-term goals in mind when he decided to pursue a wider range of talents. Although his station and magical abilities were a boon in his future political career, there were only so many people who could be swayed or disposed of with spells or coin. To Korvus allies, friends, and clients, however unreliable, were much more preferable associates than fiends fabled for their wavering loyalties and perilous gifts.

Melaena Orianna - female Tiefling Warlock

Malaena Orianna was born in Rel Devenium in the Imperial province of Alissa. She is a daughter of Pater Familia Pessinius Melaenus Solens, younger sister of Melaena Cornelia, Priestess of Alia-Istia the Stern & sorceress Melaena Nerezza “The Black Widow”.

Orianna wasn’t a common child - despite being noble blood she was also a demonic seed. So being a young tiefling was as easy as also difficult. It’s always like this when you’re not like the others. Competing with her older sisters she finally got respect not for being very powerful, but for being treacherous enough to set them up sometimes to look better in her relative’s eyes.

She always had some magic powers. Seeking to get more power from a mentor, a curse turned Orianna almost completely white. Was it a deadly spell, or one that didn’t work properly – it doesn’t matter now. From this mage Orianna gained a young Imp named Severus and learned of Vecna’s story.

Lupius Mordenius Ingvar(us) Salio - male Human Champion of Hextor

Son of Dravi Chieftain Ingomar, younger brother to Ingsmund, Ingvar was adopted into the Mordenius Patrician Family by Pater Familia Lupius Mordenius Varro from Rel Devenium in the Imperial province of Alissa. Adopted brother to Quintus Mordenius Varro, cousin to Senator Marcullus Mordenius Brutus, this tower of a man is now married to Virinia, daughter of Virinius Lelio, a Sargelleum salter.

Manius Tiberius Saxeus - male Human Wizard

The second brother of the family’s pater familia, Manius Tiberius Saxeus was a brilliant child and from a young age was apprenticed in the arts of magic. Adept at the arcane, he was also headstrong and reckless, prone to rash and emotional decisions. He considered himself fortunate that he was able to marry a woman he actually loved, Laelia Tertia. However, before a child could be produced, Saxeus fell victim to a terrible accident.

During his studies, an accidental misuse of magic unleashed a powerful curse upon him, one that would slowly turn him to stone. His master was able to stall the magic, but could not undo it. For the next few years the young mage worked in isolation to understand the magic that had cursed him. In time he learned to keep the curse at bay, and in turn developed an affinity for earth magic.

The unfortunate side effects of the curse were pronounced however. His skin had turned pale, almost ashen grey as had his hair (once blonde like most of his kin). This gives him an appearance of being older than he is. The greatest change, however, was in his personality. The curse had not only begun to turn him to stone, but it had also stripped him of much of him emotions, leaving him unfeeling and analytical. Upon his return to his family, his wife Laelia was horrified at her husband’s newfound changes. She sought divorce and returned to her own family, unwilling to continue in marriage to a man she no longer recognized.

Taking the cognomen Saxeus, Manius Tiberius Saxeus has continued his studies, seeking to learn all he can of the curse that has afflicted him, and to better understand earth magic in its many forms. He has studied texts, both modern and ancient, and has even sought out the counsel of clerics of various gods, even amongst other races. He spent some time amongst the dwarves, taking care to reveal little of his magic, to better learn from their own clerics and scholars.

He remains deeply loyal to his family, even if not through bonds of emotion, but intellect. His emotionless demeanor obviously leaves many people ill at ease. The notable exceptions are his niece and, surprisingly, the family’s dwarven slave; despite his magic, Saxeus has the most “dwarven”-like attitude of the family.

Tiberia Lepida - female Human Rogue

The second daughter of the family’s pater familia’s cousin, Tiberia Lepida belongs to a secondary branch on the family tree. She was raised in the countryside in the family villa. But her father, disgruntled by their lack of influence in the larger family’s decisions and intrigues in the city, decided to use this generation to turn things around.
Unfortunately for him, his wife (or himself, but that wouldn’t be discussed) was unable to produce any more children after their two daughters. He saw this only as a small setback, and adapted their children’s education according to what was needed.

Tiberia Celeris, the elder sister, was raised nearly perfectly following tradition, but with enough education to supplement her manners that she would be able to understand exactly what any of her future husband’s plans would entail… and subtly influence them according to what was best for her family. Her younger-than-most husband was chosen in an influential family from the city, seduced during a feast given by the pater familia.

Tiberia Lepida, the younger sister, shrewder than Celeris, wouldn’t follow the same path. Discovering the art of lying from a very young age, she delighted in creating more and more elaborate stories (that always somehow fitted the facts) to get out of any problematic situation she put herself in, and more often than not even get something out of it. The few friends she had would get their part, but anyone she saw as useless or threatening would take the blame for any fault of hers.

Her parents, initially put off by this trait, soon understood her potential and sought to encourage it, and built her education around the art of disguising feelings, thoughts and intentions, and the darker art of assassination, knowing she would have need of it in the decadent and dangerous Aerdian Empire.

Her husband was chosen years ago, right before the new cavalry was randomly drawn from the patricians. Of course, he was selected, and left for years of combat while his young spouse perfected her education. When he would come back, she would have left a while ago for the city while he would be stuck at home, nursing wounds inflicted by an unknown fighter with Aerdian weapons in the fever and confusion of combat. His wounds would unfortunately get infected and fester until it was necessary to amputate to save his life, chair-ridden for a long, long time.

Once she arrived in the Tiberii house in the city, she quickly made herself of use to the pater familia, who knew how she had been raised, and soon to a few other important members of the family such as his second brother, Manius Tiberius Saxeus. She also befriended the young daughter of the pater familia, Tiberia Amara. She might even genuinely care for the child to an extent, seeing her as a little sister – a little sister with suspicious abilities, and characteristics that not many creatures share…

Proculus Tiberius Marculus - male Human Holy Warrior

Son of the heir to the pater familial, Proculus Tiberius was given the cognomen of Marculus as a joke by his once caring uncle Manius Tiberius as an attempt to liven him up. Even as a young boy he was always serious, leaving joking and stories for the kids to enjoy and Thoneus to tell.

During his childhood, he took upon the faith and joined the church of Roneus where he learned divine magic for the glory of his god. While growing up he spent most of his spare time sparring and learning how to wield weapons and defend himself alongside of his adopted cousin Servius Tiberius Viridis. When he wasn’t fighting or praying, he was most likely found to be alongside his younger sister Tiberia Amara especially after the early and unexpected death of his beloved mother, trying to recapture the smile that was often seen on her face before the incident.

What can be certain about Marculus is that his dedication to the Tiberius family is unwavering and forever remains his first priority. Every decision, every step of his life was taken to improve their image and show their worth for his highest duty is to honour the Tiberius name by being an exemplar of their beliefs.

Tiberia Amara - female Human-Vampire

Tiberia Amara is a child of 12; her family include her beloved Father and Mother, older brother Proculus Tiberius Marculus, Uncle Manius Tiberius Saxeus and a long list of cousins, aunts and uncles of the sort. She rarely left her house, being condemned to never go outside without her father’s permission.

Amara was naturally a quiet young girl, often silly at times. She stayed in her room often, painting pictures of the animals outside her window, the common people who walked near mostly she painted and sketched her brother, who seemed to always want a new portrait. It’s whenever he gained a little muscle or got a new haircut he would wake her up in the early morning, demanded she painted him in just the right light and angle. She never minded. Always found him the most amusing of her family.

Her mother a strong believer in Pelor, would tell Amara bedtime stories about the Sun God. Convincing Amara the Sun God was the most diligent out of all the gods. Her Faith in Pelor kept her close to her beautiful mother and kept away the temptations of disobeying her father’s strict instructions of stepping outside.

The danger soon found Amara one calm night. An intruder lurked through her bedroom window, caught red-handed trying to grab a hold of the young sleeping Amara. Her mother screamed in terror from the sight of such a unholy creature, trying to kidnap her precious daughter. Foolishly the Mother attacked the creature, barely managed to alert the Tiberii that night, and doing so cost her life.

And so, an unconscious bitten Amara laid on the wooden boarded floor next to her dead mother. Windows open, cold breeze no one there besides the two. It was one of the most memorable nights the Tiberius family ever experienced. No one talks of it anymore, or they risk upsetting everyone.

Amara and Marculus at their mother's funeral

Soon after the traumatic experience Amara quickly discovered she was able to run faster naturally, her senses doubled to a sort. Her skin hurt under the light. She could hear her brother’s heart beat from outside the room. And the thirst was sometimes unbearable, her throat would burn and itch in the worst ways possible. She knew what has become, the only thing that kept her awake at nights was the thought Pelor and her Mother would never forgive her for becoming such a creature of night.

Pompo Altus Animosus - male Human Storm Druid

Born of an Aerdian father and Adrini mother, Animosus learned the Druidic ways from his maternal uncle who was later killed during an Imperial repression against his mother's people.
He has since become a client of Pessinius Melaenus Solens.

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