Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Aerdian Empire Campaign - the story so far ...

GAME 33: Chaos wins ...


- 3rd of Needfest, Greyhawk calendar.

Returning to Castle Greyhawk, the heroes follow trails left by the raiding Orcs and uncover an elevator shaft leading to the deeper levels of the Tower of War. The shaft is guarded by an unusual Flesh Golem with a third arm ending in a giant crab-like claw. The monster is able to push Marculus down the shaft. Cruox climbs down after him using one of the chains supporting the freight elevator's platform. Below awaits a group of Orcs, led by an Orc Hound Master and his two pet Fiendish Worgs. The battle unfolds on multiple levels.

Flesh Golem & Orc Hound Master Battle

Magics are unleashed in poor coordination by Erky and Saxeus. The result congeals with Iuz's ambient evil influence of Chaos, forming and opening a dread mystical Eye of Chaos that perverts all that look upon it. Though many resist its malign influence, Aenea/Marco and Orianna succumb to the tempting lure of the Mark of Chaos. Possessed, they unleash their considerable power on their former allies with devastating results. All are slain except Cruox who, refusing to die but badly injured, presses on deeper into the enemies' den ... only to stumble on another of Iuz's fiends: a Dark Naga.

Cruox falls. Chaos wins.

GAME 32: Decius the Hell Hound


27th & 28th of Sunsebb (last 2 days of Wejius - 12), Greyhawk calendar.

An heroic fight overcomes the Hill Giants. The temple is one to Nerull, its dark influence is still felt, especially in the fallen statue.

Temple of Nerull battle

Beyond the temple the heroes find commanders sent by Iuz to the area, including a Half-Orc War Captain named Atolamyr, his succubus ally Syneope and their Tiefling aide Therrat. Atolamyr was the one that bested Ricard at Zagyg's bridge (the Blade of Chaos is not in his possession). Papers found indicate they are working under a General named At-Ur and have been systematically raiding the area since the death of Patriarch Rigban to gather goods and supplies.
Syneope survives by teleporting back to the Abyss, her allies are defeated.

Atolamyr and Syneope's chamber

A young cleric of Boccob named Altamaic, victim of Syneope's charms, is rescued from a nearby cell. A still dazed and confused Altamaic is questioned about the wizard Decius 'the Hell Hound' of the Mordenius family. He points the heroes to a roadside inn halfway between the city and the castle.

They travel back to meet Decius. He shows them an Obsidian Key in his possession that can unlock the entrance to another of Zagyg's tower: the western Tower of Magic. He is however very reluctant to aid, warning about those seeking power only to abuse it.

Korvus tries to magically charm him while Orianna uses her Imp Severus to steal the key. The plan miserably fails. Decius, whose full name in the Empire was Decius Mordenius Canus, over time more simply became known as Mordenius Canus, until he finally cast away his Suel heritage to become just Mordenkainen. His renowned Faithful Hound comes to his defense, followed by a Prismatic Wall, and a Dimensional Cage to trap Severus. He then departs magically, leaving the Inn to be revealed as a version of his also renowned Magnificent Mansion, a powerful extra-dimensional creation.


It is the last straw for Ingvar concerning his cousin Korvus and their Meleana ally Orianna. He had warned them both before and decides one must be given to Hextor's slaughter as payment. He flips a coin: Orianna is chosen to be sacrificed.  A fierce battle erupts as Marculus tries to contain the brutal Ingvar by wrestling him down. Korvus uses his best offensive spells, but still Ingvar is unrelenting. Orianna then suddenly plunges her enchanted dagger, Chrysalis, into her own chest, to deny Ingvar and his War God the sacrifice.

Ingvar's Blood Sacrifice battle

Mordenkainen magically returns at that moment and warns that continuation of hostilities will incur his wrath. Marculus, surprised to see Orianna still alive, offers Mordenkainen his enchanted blade -a trophy taken from the bat-winged She-Devil Champion at the battle of Dakova (see Games 11 & 12)- in exchange for captured Severus. The Arch-mage of the Circle of Eight, moved by the gesture, accepts and departs again, saying the key can still be gained if the heroes future actions should prove worthy of it.

GAME 31: Castle Greyhawk


Earthday, 27th of Sunsebb (Wejius - 12), Greyhawk calendar.

After spending a few days getting acquainted with the great city, the heroes set off to Zagyg's old fortified home in the nearby hills, a trio of weathered and ruined towers commonly referred to by locals as Castle Greyhawk.

Following the orc raider's trail, they enter the eastern tower called the Tower of War. It's entrance is guarded by a trio of Swordwraiths, former champions of the Greyhawk arenas. Orianna learns they have been brought back to unlife to serve a powerful wizard.

Swordwraith battle

Pressing on, they uncover a long staircase the Orcs have used to enter deeper inside the dungeons of the ruined tower. They are able to surprise a group of the foul Greenskins, led by a Half-Ogre barbarian.

Half -Ogre Barbarian

They next stumble upon a shattered temple with a great crevasse running from one end to the other of the vast chamber. A few Goblins shriek in alarm, grabbing the attention of two Hill Giants. One is resting and slow to react. The other scoops up a nearby boulder, ready to heave it at the intruders.

Hill Giant

GAME 31: Accipiter Cinereum a.k.a. Greyhawk city


Last days of Wejius (12), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

With so many wizards and spell casters, the heroes decide to put aside Onwalian politics and pursue a better understanding, and perhaps even harnessing, of forces like the Nexus of Power they uncovered. Consulting with Senator Marcellus Mordenius Brutus, they uncover that an arcane scholar of renown, Zagyg the Mad Archmage, dwelling in a faraway city named Cinereum, or Accipiter Cinereum, has successfully delved into such studies. More so, an exile relative of the Mordenius family, the wizard Decius 'the Hell Hound', is rumored to have traveled to that city a long time ago to seek Zagyg's legacy of knowledge. Brutus arranges for the Drakus, a large trading vessel belonging to his in-laws, the Tarcillius, to bring the heroes to Cinereum.

Arriving in the area, they hear of a nearby bridge named after Zagyg. Investigating, they find the bridge and its surrounding hamlet under attack by orcs led by a half-orc sorcerer mounted on a fierce Wyvern.

Half-Orc Sorcerer



The Orcs raided a caravan from the Able Carter Coaching Company. Saved by the heroes efforts are the Priest of Boccob Acton and Ricard, owner of the Green Dragon Inn in the River Quarter. Acton offers as reward an antidote to the Wyvern poison, Korvus having being partially poisoned. Ricard offers a month's free stay at his Inn. He also explains his sword, the Blade of Chaos, was stolen by the leader of the raid which has left with the caravan loot (those still on the scene were his lieutenant and stragglers). He would greatly appreciate having his sword returned. Tracks from the raiders indicate they lead to the home of Zagyg himself, a trio of crumbling towers a few leagues outside the city. Zagyg was once city Mayor and Lord until he mysteriously disappeared centuries ago.

The heroes accept Ricard's reward and they make their way to the city. They are surprised by its sheer size and grandeur. Accipiter Cinereum, or translated from Suel Greyhawk city, is huge.

Inside Greyhawk they find:
- life is very different from the Empire. Tiefling (demon half-breeds) are not well looked upon, neither are necromancy and demon/devil worship or craft.
- non-citizens have a hard time with official institutions or inner workings of the city, even if important, powerful or famous.
- a famous Patriarch of Boccob named Rigban has recently died. His body is making its way to the city to be given its final resting place. There are rumors a lifelong enemy of Rigban, none other than the Demigod Iuz the Evil, seeks to perturb the ceremony. Zealot followers of St-Cuthbert, age old enemy of Iuz, are flocking the city to prevent Iuz from disturbing the proceedings.

GAME 30: Kurnous Awakes ...


Less than 3 days from the Blood Moon of Erius (11), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Thoneus, still outside the arches, uses the sacred Druidic Obelisk Standing Stones to call upon the aid of the mighty Foolanu, children of the Great She-Wolf Goddess HarQuania (see Game 2). The massive dire wolf answers the call and they join the fray inside the Forsaken Arches.

Druidic Obelisk Standing Stones

Pressing on to the upper level of the arches, the Goblinoid aberrations make a determined assault, led by a fierce deformed monstrosity.

But the heroes are relentless, pressing on to the heart of these sacred Druidic giant temple-rocks, where they find the Scarlet Brotherhood's High Priest Baraz, the blind monk Shahin (see Game 17) and a fierce large Horned Devil.

Baraz was the source of the ritual chanting, having opened a hellish gate that transforms his Goblin minions into the Goblinoid aberrations the Heroes have been fighting. A charge by Cruox forces Baraz to face this new threat, causing the ritual to end, shredding apart in hellish agony the remaining Goblins.

Meanwhile Thoneus has taken advantage of battle confusion by having Mustela his weasel companion steal from Aenea-Marco the Horn of Kurnous. Thoneus blows the horn inside the large ritual cave, instants before being blown off the rock ledge by Baraz's conjured fireball. Cruox is also sent to his demise by the Horned Devil after badly wounding the fiend.

An epic battle ensues and once more - as at Castle Naerytar - so much magic is unleashed that the Nexus of Power that is this triad of sacred sites is once more opened. But this time it is Wee Jas who battles her way into the world. Baraz calls to his mistress deity who, in a gigantic skull of flame, begins to pry open a mighty portal to summon the Pit Fiend, Hell's most powerful champion.

Zagrathul intervenes and pulls off a near-miraculous offset. Using his powers of speech with the spirit world, he advocates that Aenea, the Ruby Princess, being a chosen of Wee Jas, should be given an equal chance to prove herself under the eyes of the Dread Goddess of Magic and Death. Aenea voices her accord and Wee Jas agrees to let the battle proceed without her influence: let the victor claim her favor. The Pit Fiend, and the utter devastation that would ensue with his entry into the world, is kept in the fires of Hell, the portal closing.

Aenea soon proves her worthiness by striking down the mighty Shahin. The Horned Devil is also finally taken down. Baraz retreats using the magic of a flying carpet.

Everyone believe Cruox and Thoneus dead, but they realize Mustela has now transformed to giant dire size, and has pulled both from the waters below. But they are both dying, along with nature's children, Thoneus' allies: the Dire Badgers and Foolanu. 

A cold wind has begun to freeze rock and water. Having blown the Horn, Thoneus has awoken Kurnous. Kurnous is reborn in the form of a transformed antler-headed and goat-legged Eogan. And something is off, he has brought winter with him, as well as the devastation of the beasts of the Wild Hunt.

Kurnous was not called by Aenea, whom the Blooded One named the rightful one for the task since she freed the Horn, and him, from slumber. Kurnous was also perverted by the Mark of Chaos, a legacy of Seerka Solanthys and, somehow, Orianna.


Having being brought back by a Druid, even under these abnormal circumstances, Kurnous vows to unleash the Hunt against forces foreign to the Druidic ways and lands: Tiamat, Wee Jas, Hextor, ... He spares Hextor's champion, Ingvar, Eogan owing the Hextorian a debt for having freed him from the slave galleys. Likewise Cruox is healed to full health, thus thanking a former comrade in arms. Thoneus and nature's allies are also healed. No reason is given there. None is needed.

He orders everyone away from the arches before cold overtakes them all, and leaves our heroes with a doom-laden warning: though he can fight those forces he has named, there is one against whom he is helpless. The Mark of Chaos is consuming him from within, transforming his beasts into creatures of Chaos outside his domain. This Mark is burgeoning here, but already strong in Almoria, and even stronger yet in the far lands of Iuz. Should it stay unchecked, it will consume all that is, and ever will be ...

GAME 29: Forsaken Arches


Less than 3 days from the Blood Moon of Erius (11), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The cryptic words of the uncanny Satyr, the 'new' Blooded One gave portent of a curse unleashed upon the land, one that the Horn of Kurnous would call upon when blown by Aenea/Marco, the Ruby Princess, who has freed the Horn from its slumber at Castle Naerytar.

Back in the Sornum area, Senator Brutus advises a wise course of action would be to understand this nexus of arcane energy, a quest that would follow the research of a Mordenius uncle in exile, Decius 'the Hell Hound'. This would entail travelling to Accipiter Cinereum aka Greyhawk city, to seek the estranged wizard and follow up on leads concerning the infamous Zagyg the Mad Arch-Mage, who had in the past delved into such matters. It is rumored that this delving drove Zagyg insane.

But knowledge gathered by Korvus uncovered the Horn would have to be blown before the Blood Moon of Erius, and such a journey would mean missing that deadline in Onwalia. The heroes decide instead to use the accursed power of the Horn in the lands of the Tarl, the Storm Coast, hoping to use its devastating power against the Scarlet Brotherhood or the Cult of Tiamat present there.

Braving the rough seas to travel in haste to Tarlesan, Ingvar is able to convince Tarna, the local Priestess, by using his relationship with the Storm-Druid Pompo to allow access to the Forsaken Arches, one of the three site of power linked to the nexus (and sacred to the people of the Tarl).

Forsaken Arches at High Tide

Negotiation with the spirit of Tiamat is attempted through Zagrathul: the Dragon Queen demands the Horn to secure any form of alliance. Refusing, the heroes proceed inside the Arches.
They are surprised to see they have been invested by Goblins. Soon they are also attacked by Goblinoid aberrations: small hell-infested flying monstrosities wielding crystalline daggers that shatter on impact, perverting those struck with hellish rage and murderous intent.

"Numberless" admonishes one, its 4 unearthly eyes speaking inside the mind of Ingvar.
Severus, Orianna's Imp, scouts one of the many narrow tunnels that pockmark the natural stone structure. He hears ritual chanting from somewhere above. 
Aenea/Marco uncovers a secret passage leading up ...

GAME 28: Horn of Kurnous


Last day of Istus (10), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Unable to penetrate the stone skin of the Gorgon, Cruox opts to blind it by smashing its stone eyes. Rendered helpless, Ingvar is able to crush its skull with an Hextor-driven strike of his mighty flail. Beyond, the Horn of Kurnous is heard resounding throughout the dungeons of Castle Naerytar: Marco blew the horn.

The heroes enter a large underground chamber and find Marco, in possession of the Horn, next to a powerful nexus of power. Ritual circles to Tiamat and Wee Jas are competing with the old Druidic Obelisks that held the fabled Horn in thorny vines. The vines drip blood and an ancient skeleton of a Satyr is given flesh once again, calling himself the Blooded One. With his pan flute, he awakens the bestial defenders of the Naerytar: wild Goatmen, Peryton flying stag-horrors, singing Harpies and monstrous Minotaur.

Goatmen Beastmen (Large and Man-sized)



A fierce battle ensues. So much magic is called upon that Tiamat is awoken through her ritualistic circle. She is able to bring her blue head in ghostly form for a short moment. That instant is long enough to breathe lightning, killing Thorik and vaporizing Javier.

The Heroes eventually prevail, killing the Blooded One and his bestial allies. Besides their two casualties, Thoneus almost drowns, Korvus and Zagrathul are badly injured.

But the perils of the Naerytar are not ended: infighting begins for the ownership of the Horn. Ingvar and Orianna try to take it from Marco by force and magic. A temporary compromise is reached, Cruox keeps it for now.

Exiting the Castle, another surprise awaits the bedraggled heroes. The Blooded One, alive, appears from the marches. He has changed -is it even him?-, his Satyr form more human than before, his Suel less archaic, his eyes fully black, his teeth razor-sharp daggers. He bows deeply before Marco, and executes in a flourish a reverent salute:
"Congratulations, Ruby Princess. You were able to claim the Horn. I stand humbled."
Still bowing, he raises his face, revealing a sarcastic dagger-fanged grin. His eyes turn to Cruox, custodian of the Horn.
"Or have you lost it already?"

the 'new' Blooded One



Last day of Istus (10), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Lady Fortune and Fate, the Great Goddess Istia, has two surprises in store for Tiamat's horde on the last day of the month named after her. Two champions join the fray against her Blue Dragon.
Having summoned the Undead Hyena, the dread Shoosuva, scourge of Yeenoghu the Demon Prince, is the Nerullia Arcana Seerka Solanthys the 'death cheater'.

Seerka Solanthys - transfixed

At first transfixed in necromantic energies, she later returns to her normal elven form.

Seerka Solanthys

The second champion is Lupius Mordenius Ingvarus Salio, Hextor's chosen, riding into battle on his undead horse, his pack of war hounds at his side. Ingvar engages the Dragon and, in a series of devastating unholy blows, gravely wounds the legendary monster, forcing it to withdraw.

Though vastly superior in numbers, the Draconians and Lizardmen retreat after seeing the child of Tiamat leave the battle. They retreat to the Forsaken Arches. Tarlesan is saved.

Seerka is seeking vengeance for those who have drowned her: the Scarlet Brotherhood and Cult of Tiamat. To that cause she has given her soul to the ancient elven curse born of the fall of the Adrian Elven Kingdom a millennia ago, and now serves the rising tide of Chaos in Almoria.
She informs Thoneus, and later Orianna, of the taint of the Darkurian, children of Kassius - a.k.a. Cassius Sarovicus Stracassius Crisos - a.k.a. Kassius or Kas the bloody-handed, trusted lieutenant and right hand of the first Emperor and first Lich Vecna, who betrayed and killed his Emperor and beloved friend with the legendary Sword of Kas. Cassius's foul betrayal transformed him into the first Vampire, and he is rumored to still be 'alive' in the Castle Ravenloft in far away Barovia.

Thoneus learns from the local Druidess/Priestess Tarna of the Horn of Kurnous, said to still reside somewhere within Naerytar Castle. The heroes set off to Naerytar once more. On the road south-west, they cross 275 warriors of the Scarlet Brotherhood, led by Captain Tacal. They are escorted by the Scantium noble Eudoxius Urdo Eligius.


Eligius explains to Korvus they have been sent to help the Adrinis of the Storm Coast in the name of Scantium and the Brotherhood who have now clearly merged in alliance. He also informs the humanoid threat to the countryside has been contained by this new alliance.

The heroes reach Naerytar. Careful scouting reveals what has happened after their last attack on the castle: the Gorgon that was used in the Scarlet Brotherhood experiment to create a Gorgimera has broken loose and run amok, turning many of the remaining Lizardmen to stone with its dreadful petrifying breath. They encounter the beast beneath the Castle.


While Cruox engages it, Marco sneaks past the creature and finds a lake-cavern chamber where she sees the Horn of Kurnous, entwined in thorn vines between two Druidic obelisk pillars.



End of Istus (10), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The search of castle Dohern reveals the following:
- The sacred Druidic Storm Caves below the castle have been taken over by the Cult of Tiamat.
- The Lizard Men have looted all the castle's treasure and brought it to the Storm Caves.
- The bodies of the slain humans have also been dragged to the Storm Caves to feed the Dragons and Drake-Hounds.
- The Storm Islands seem to have been already overrun by the horde of Tiamat.

After defeating 3 Drake Hounds still present in the caves, Zagrathul speaks to the spirit of the Obelisk of the caves, only to find it has been taken over by the power of Tiamat. He learns the Dragon Queen has broken her alliance with the Ruby Queen Wee Jas, that she is aware of the chosen ruby child Marco/Aenea, and that she knows the Dwarves have killed her young blue dragon offspring. Tiamat vows to lay waste to her ancestral rivals in these parts, the Storm Druids and people of the Tarl, and seek vengeance against the Dwarves.

The Heroes set back to Tarlesan and find it under Dragon attack. The adult Blue Dragon that destroyed Dohern Castle shattered the wooden walls, allowing draconian and lizard men troops to overrun the town. Desperate Adrini soldiers are fighting a losing cause. Their valiant doomed defense allow the heroes to catch the warriors of Tiamat off-guard: they attack one of their Blue Draconian Leader.

Adult Blue Dragon
Blue Draconian Leader

The leader is able to signal for help, catching the attention of the dragon. The monster descends upon the heroes. All seems lost. But another monstrous creature unexpectedly joins the fray: a gaunt Giant Undead Hyena that radiates a dim sickly phosphorescent yellow light. It leaps on the dragon ...



- End of Istus (10), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

After a month and a half of nursing a broken leg, Orianna is finally able to return to active life.
During all this absence, Javier was travelling North-West to Imperial mainland to guide more Tiberius allies to join the Onwalian struggle.
He returns with the Dwarf Cruox and the Gnome Thoneus.

Zagrathul, more and more in tune with the spirit world, warns that as the season of storms progresses, so does the threat of the Blue Draconians and their Lizardmen horde.

Through research in Sornum, Orianna and Korvus find three potential places of power that could attract followers of Tiamat the Dragon Queen: Naerytar -where the heroes have recently battled-, the Forsaken Arches near Tarlesan and Dohern in the Storm Isles. They opt to investigate Dohern.
To do so they elicit the help of Trel, a young pearl diver from Tarlesan that assisted and was inspired by the Storm Druid Pompo is the past. Trel takes them by boat to the Dohern Isle.


Reconnaissance shows an Adrini castle, erected to protect the holy site, was recently attacked by an adult Blue Dragon. A score of Lizardmen still roam the battered grounds. The heroes attack, catching the creatures off guard.

Lizardman Chosen (Leader)

Lizardmen warriors

Lizardman Bluescale Brute

They are nonetheless able to call for help: a young Blue Dragon.

Cruox slays it, splitting its skull, in an impressive display of courage and might. The day is won. The only casualty is 'The Captain', one of Thoneus' Dire Badgers.

R.I.P. Captain



Reus (9), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Castle Naerytar is surrounded by a mix of Lizard Men huts and a few Adrini-style houses.
Korvus and Eogan initiate contact with the small group of Adrinis present. They are led by Adros, part-Aerdian part-Adrini, and Loghlan. They take Korvus inside the keep to meet the new castle tenants. Meanwhile the others use the diversion to sneak inside.


Korvus is brought before a Priestess of Wee Jas named Ctesibia and the Blue Draconian Champion that had led the attack on the slave galley (see game 21).


Fierce fighting erupts inside the castle courtyard and inner buildings. The Chimera (see game 21) is summoned, joins the fray and slays Eogan. Orianna kills the Priestess but is left crippled by the Chimera who severely mauls her leg. Ericius and Certius are killed by the Draconian, but not before Certius delivers a mortal blow to the 3-headed monster. 
Thorik slays the Draconian after an epic duel. A Pyrrhic victory is achieved. 



Reus (9), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The Heroes escape horrors at sea only to land on the horrors of political intrigue in Sornum.
Merius Talavarius Petrus, a Talavarius envoy from Scantium, accuses them of the murder of the Wee Jas Priestesses. The head of the new Sornum council of Lords, Andilal 'the Stout', releases them after the testimony of Thorik, backed by the local Dwarven Longbeard Grulthar Highforge, representing the Irongate trading guilds. Grulthar nonetheless brands Eogan, Certius and Javier thieves for the stolen Boulderaxes armors and weapons.

Merius Talavarius Petrus

Ericius and Aenea a.k.a. Marco boldly confront the new Priestess of Wee Jas in Sornum, Kiya Benedetta. Later Korvus does the same in the name of the Mordenius. Though it seems clear the murder of the Priestesses will never be forgiven, Benedetta shows interest in Aenea, a chosen of the Ruby Queen.

Kiya Benedetta, Priestess of WeeJas

Orianna and Zagrathul uncover much by putting their knowledge of magic and the spirit world to good use. First, it seems the hyena that followed Orianna, later killed by Thorik, was possessed by a spirit who serves the great Demon Prince Yeenoghu. Yeenoghu is upset at Wee Jas for taking his slave race, the Gnolls, to bolster her armies. The spirit wanted to teach Zagrathul a ritual that involved the Dwarf, which Zagrathul refused to learn.
Arthagus of the Miracles, a local scholar and magician of renown, is highly interested in the ritual.

Arthagus of the Miracles

Second, Zagrathul is given a spirit vision foretelling a Dragon flying over the land to a sea spire, most likely the naval fortress of Aequorspira, or Seaspire. Further investigation reveals Draconians in the Storm Isles and Coast worship Tiamat the Dragon Queen. A possible alliance has been struck between Tiamat's Draconians and Wee Jas, explaining the slave galley assault and the Draconian seen speaking to the Priestess Innoria of Wee Jas.

The patricians Korvus and Orianna also socialize with Sornum's people of importance.
Ammanas, a rich and influential patron of the arts, tells Orianna envoys from Scantium have been recently busy in Myrhil. Senator Brutus later warns of Myrhil's strategic importance in Onwalia, namely for the Ostium Gildenleum, a key fortress that controls the only pass to the valleys of the lowland plateaus of the peninsula: Gildenlea and Gilderondia.

The heroes decide to travel back to Adrini land to learn more about the Draconian threat. This leads them to ancient sacred ground of Tiamat over which a small keep has been built, the Naerytar. Orianna has uncovered in her research humans in the past had sought to solicit the favors of the dread Dragon Queen. Located in the swamps of the Volanot Estuary, it is surrounded by an unusual combination of Adrini and Lizard Men huts. A dozen lizard men are spotted in the initial scouting ...

Naerytar Castle



End of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The slow slave galley and cog begin their journey when they realize they are being followed by 2 small ships launched from Obelis Castellum. Orianna uses her Imp Severus to scout: the tiny devil uncovers at least one is manned by Suundian pirates. The two ships soon deviate Northbound while the galley and cog follow the coast North-East.

Cliffs of the Tempesta Ora (Storm Coast)

Though the journey to Tarlesan, nearest Adrini town, is only 3 days long, food and potable water become a major concern for the over 300 freed prisoners, especially since about 200 are required to row the massive ship. An extra day is spent anchored to fish and forage for water and food.

On the night before the final day's leg of travel to reach Tarlesan, an unnaturally fast growing storm cloud shrouds the moonlit sky. A Blue Draconian Champion, that had been seen by some slaves (and maybe others too?) in Obelis Castellum in the company of the Priestess Innoria of WeeJas, launches an amphibious assault to retake the galley. He leads 4 Blue Drake-Hounds and a host of primitive Lizardmen warriors. He can also rely on a terrible and fierce ally: a Chimera with a Blue Dragon-head.

Blue Draconian Champion

The Heroes attempt to stem the onslaught, but as more and more Lizardmen swim onto the galley defeat seems inevitable. Heroic action saves many freed prisoners, including the Egnasius family, as they scramble onto the cog and flee. The Chimera, only creature able to follow, doesn't pursue, wounded on its hind leg by Korvus.

Slave Galley Battle

The cog sets sail into the storm-tossed night, overloaded with 52 survivors. Besides the 8 Heroes, the remaining 45 include:
- Zana and her 2 kids
- the Egnatius: Sopho, 'Natia'TomassoNimbex
Grambek, ErelkaAndrusGazin(ius)
- 4 fisherman (1 is Adrini)
- 1 burghers & 2 artisans (Onwalians)
- 22 peasants, former freed slaves (post-rebellion) & former slaves
(13 Onwalians, 7 Adrini & 2 Gypsy)
- 5 children (all are Onwalians, 1 is an orphan)



End of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The Heroes decide to head straight for the harbor to reach the slave galley before the Gnolls can raise an alarm. Fighting erupts as they attempt to commandeer a small local cog (ship). The Slave Galley Pirates, mostly Sunndians, fight alongside Gnoll Slavers. The Sunndian Pirate Captain is a strange man with unusual clear eyes and an ability to use magical wands and potions. Wounded, he is forced to withdraw.

Obelis Castellum Dock Battle
Sunndian Pirate
Sunndian Pirate Captain
Gnoll Leader (twin blades) & Sorcerer
Hyena that followed Orianna (bloody ritual)

Certius, a merchant mariner by trade, is able to sail the cog close enough for a boarding attempt on the Slave Galley as it tries to row for shore, where reinforcements too numerous to overcome await. The awkward boarding is helped by judicious use of flaming oil by Orianna (helped by Javier in finding/scavenging the oil) through Severus the Imp. Fierce fighting overcomes the 2 Gnoll leaders, the slave galley is captured, the slaves freed.

Elite Flind Gnoll Overseer
Gnoll Slave Master
Gnoll Slave Master whipping Andrus & Erelka

Korvus uses his ample charisma and patrician standing to introduce himself, and their cause, to the slaves. The more than 300 freed slaves include:
- Sextus Egnatius Sopho, Pater Familia of the Egnatius family (father of Ignis)
- Egnatia Secunda 'Natia', second daughter (unmarried, 18) of Sopho
- Carius Egnatius Tomasso, cousin to Sopho
- Tertius Egnatius Nimbex, son of Egnatia Sophia, Sopho's 1st daughter (and thus Sopho's Grandson)
- Grambek Barreldigger Harnylsin, Dwarven ale merchant from Irongate
- Half-Drow Erelka, a nomadic Huntress 
- Andrus, claims to be a Locksmith but other slaves assert he was jailed as a Tomb Robber
- Mirazius Gazin(ius), a Litigant of mixed origins selling his craft to those who can pay
- 8 fisherman
- 5 burghers
- 36 artisans
- 95 peasants
- 50 children (35 now orphans)
- 75 former freed slaves (post-rebellion)
- 65 former slaves
NB: freed slaves include 65% Onwalians, 20% Adrini, 10% Gypsy and 5% Mixed

 Sextus Egnatius Sopho
Egnatia Secunda 'Natia'
Carius Egnatius Tomasso
Tertius Egnatius Nimbex
Mirazius Gazin(ius)
Grambek Barreldigger Harnylsin

The 2 captured ships begin the slow journey North to reach the Tempesta Ora (Storm Coast) and the Adrini village of Tarlesan, with Sornum as their eventual final destination.



Month of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The Gnolls soon learn of the demise of their war party. More come for retribution. Javier and Marco use their superior knowledge of the terrain to avoid pursuit, but the Heroes are forced eastwards, using  the Obelia and Myrhilia Flavia to throw off the scents of the foreign hyena-humanoids. They reach the fertile Myrhil valley of the Gildenlea at the village of Siruela.

Myrhil valley of the Gildenlea

They are recognized there by Sertor Mordenius Korvus and Melaena Orianna, both of whom have answered Senator Marcullus Mordenius Brutus's call for assistance. Korvus is nephew to the infamous senator. Orianna is the youngest sister to the equally infamous Melaenae women, and also a Tiefling (born of demonic parentage). Orianna's familiar, the Imp Severus, sees something special in Marco: a child of the Ruby Queen (Wee Jas). He offers an Eye of Newt that a ravenous Marco swallows, and throws up. Something dark is awoken in Marco.

Sertor Mordenius Korvus

Melaena Orianna

Gnolls meanwhile have located the village. They launch an attack that is repulsed.

Gnoll attack on Siruela

Using Severus, they track down the surviving Gnolls West back into the coastal lands. They follow them back to Obelis Castellum and attempt to reach it the before the humanoids. They arrive at the same time, spotting a large slave galley anchored at the fortress's port .

Obelis Castellum



Month of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The heroes land at the coastal village of Urdino, then proceed inland to the town of Obelis Lapidem, ruled by Governor Quintus Licinius Stolo, an Athagdalius relative. 

Village of Urdino

The Tailor Edaro and Gypsy Toma unsuccessfully attempt to conscript them in the local militia, raised by the Governor to stem the Gnoll threat that is ravaging the countryside east of town. Eogan meets the Adrini prostitute Teleri, Eanlac's contact from Scantium (see Game 17).

They discreetly leave town the next morning and reach the Egnatius estate-villa to find it in ruins, already pillaged. Signs are found of Gnoll passage, as well as gruesome remains of their feasting on the human slain. The remains indicate that only those too old or critically injured to be enslaved were thus eaten.

The heroes proceed to the nearby Egnatius stone quarry. In the adjoining old Ruins of Alcasar, they stumble on 5 Gnolls encamped, guarding 4 human prisoners: the Adrini Sawel and the Gypsy Zana with her two children Brandusa (7) and Raisa (5). They dispatch the Gnolls, free the prisoners, and realize the Gnolls are but a small fraction of a raiding party scouring the area for other potential slaves. The raiding party returns an hour later. It is composed of the one-eyed Gnoll leader (see Game 16), a Flind leader and a Giant Hyena (Hyaenodon), along with 15 more Gnolls.


Fortunately, Thorik has, in the hour wait, found an armor and weapons cache belonging to the brothers Reggrum Grilgord Boulderaxe (see Game 16), probably payment to the Egnatius in return of quarry stones. It includes a vast array of weapons, armors and shields, plus an Aerdian scorpion bolt thrower.


Arming themselves to the teeth and protected by the old fortifications of the Ruins, they await the Gnolls and unleash a barrage of missiles as the humanoids close into melee. The battle is brutal, the heroes come out victorious with no casualties. 8 Gnolls survive and flee. Certius acquits himself admirably by killing the Hyaenodon with a scorpion bolt, the Flind in melee and the retreating leader with an arrow to the head.

Gnoll attack (not to scale)



Month of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The heroes return to the Guldarius Domus in Scantium to rest. Zagrathul, the following morning, spots city militiamen surrounding the Domus in groups of 5. He quickly goes inside to warn his sleeping companions.

While Mensa confronts the soldiers, unaware of last night's events, the heroes make good their escape using the city sewers (cartography!). Ignis and Lucullus decide to go with them. They split up to avoid attention and gather information.

Eogan meets the Adrini merchant Eanlac, a man to be trusted according to the Adrini woman Ebrill who was saved, along with her child Rhodri, at the thorp near Zagra.
Ericius secures a fishing boat to potentially leave the city.
Javier seeks out an old teacher of his, the renowned explorer of exotic places and ancient sites, sailor, mapper, cartographer and all-around legend Jozzao Cortiz of the Westlight.

Jozzao Cortiz of the Westlight

Thorik finds fellow Dwarves in the city, the brothers Reggrum & Grilgord Boulderaxe, respectively stonemason and weaponsmith. They have commercial ties with the Egnatius, stone quarries east of Obelis Lapidem.

Reggrum - or is it Grilgord? - Boulderaxe

Marco and Ignis go to the luxurious and expensive Spitting Cockatrice Inn to rest. They are accosted by more of the Croamarch's militia who are looking for Ignis. Marco delivers a convincing excuse, posing as a Malavanius lover. Someone intervenes to assist the 'young lovers', the gentle fragrant touch of the famous local perfume merchant, and rumored wizardess, the breathtakingly beautiful half-elf Chalaratha, also known as 'the Dancing Maiden'.

Chalaratha 'the Dancing Maiden'

At the city docks, in a grand flamboyant display, the large galley known as the Red Ship disembarks a host of foreigners from that mysterious crimson, no ... Scarlet Brotherhood. 100 exotic Mameluk soldiers of Suundian, Hepmoan and even Baklun race secure the landing for Ambassador Krune, High Priest Baraz, his two honor guards Arash & Bahadur, the blind monk Shahin and the kukri-wielding Jahan.

Scarlet Brotherhood Mameluk Soldiers
Ambassador Krune

High Priest Baraz

Honor guards Arash Bahadur

Blind Monk Shahin


They are met by the Croamarch, Malius Dostarius Lurius, a score of influential members of the 7 non-targeted families (see game 14), the High Priestess Spyrytara Xalass, and the priestesses Innoria & Elaheh of WeeJas.

Croamarch Malius Dostarius Lurius

High Priestess Spyrytara Xalass

Priestess Elaheh

Priestess Innoria

From their information gathering efforts, the heroes learn the following:

- the assassin (and former deacon of WeeJas) Ericius is an assassin hired by Aerdian masters, most likely the Mordenius family, to destroy the clergy of WeeJas in Onwalia. They have ruthlessly killed defenseless women and children during a sacred ritual of welcoming young girls into the faith, leading in the death of Priestess Zealia and 36 helpless girls. They have also tried to set fire to the Temple. The priestess and 36 dead girls burnt bodies are put on gruesome display for all to see. The 36 families of the slain girls are compensated by the Temple, given a year of the offered salary for the murdered girls. They are told to blame the murderers for their misfortune.
- they have already struck in Sornum, killing High Priestess Jhyndara and key rebellion leader Tirus Statilius Taurus (more known as Taurio).
- a foul Adrini Storm Druid called Pompo Altus Animosus may have also been involved in Sornum. An assault on the faith of the peninsula -the goddesses WeeJas and Istia- by pagan and non-peninsula Aerdian Gods is feared.
- the assassin and his allies, most notably a barbarian Adrini and a traitorous Onwalian, but maybe also a Half-Orc and another Onwalian that have been seen with them, and perhaps even going as high up as members of 3 families, the Semmius, Egnatius and Guldarius, with whom they have consorted recently (important note: no Dwarf is mentioned in any account).
- a girl was used as bait and decoy for the foul plot. The Priestesses of WeeJas are adamant about wanting her alive. All others can be either brought to justice or killed on sight. Appropriate bounties will be set soon.
- the menace in the countryside (Gnolls and Goblins) is most likely linked to this nefarious plot.
- the Temple of WeeJas, since it could not be protected by local forces, has called upon the Scarlet Brotherhood for not only protection but holy justice. They not only are fervent followers of WeeJas but have also already lent key assistance in the Onwalian rebellion, both in firepower -the Twin Albino Mages- and diplomacy in helping bring Nyrondia into the naval war.
- WeeJas herself has granted the surviving priestesses the gift of youth and vigor to defend the Faith at all costs.

The heroes decide to leave the city by sea and head North to a nearby coastal village. 



Month of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Ericius enters Scantium in advance and meets a local fellow Deacon of Weejas, Solon.
Marco meanwhile is approached by Veneto, also about Weejas.
Both learn the 4 aging decrepit priestesses of the dread clergy -one blind, another having a form of leprosy, the high priestess blind in one-eye and barely able to stand- are offering a staggering sum of money, 360 gold (36 gold per year for 10 years of service) for each of 36 new temple recruits (12960 gold total!). They must be young girls old enough to be 'women', but still virgins.

Ericius convinces Mensa to head to the Egnatius country villa before entering Scantium, implying he would enter the city in glory if he was to rescue the Egnatii first. Proceeding north, they stumble upon a thorp that has been pillaged by a band of creatures never seen before in Onwalia: Gnolls. They are able to kill one and drive off a few others, but must turn back when they spot a large war-party of the foul creatures, about 300 strong, at the ravaged village of Zagra. Their leader is a fierce looking one-eyed fiend wielding a scythe. They not only loot but avoid killing locals, capturing them instead. The closest patrician household, the Malavanius, act nonchalant about their presence and the dangers they pose.

Gnoll raiders

Gnoll leader

Back in Scantium, Ericius and Marco develop a daring (borderline crazy) plan. Marco wants to offer 'himself' as a possible new temple recruit to WeeJas. Ericius learns he is actually a she in disguise (inappropriate touching!). They warn the others of their plan and proceed to the Temple to meet Solon. Javier tries to get a note from Mensa that would explain them wandering around the Temple grounds at night. Mensa asks what they are planning, Javier dissembles. Mensa warns him not to do anything against the powerful dread Temple and refuses to give him the note. Javier, Eogan and Thorik nonetheless wander about in the nearby gardens.

Great Temple of WeeJas in Scantium

At the temple, Solon proposes Marco to one of the two temple guardians: somberly cloaked devil-men wielding large glaives. Though refused at first since the priestesses already have their 36 recruits, the High Priestess, Spyrytara Xalass, orders "wait!" as the old crone finds out one of the young girls isn't really a virgin (more inappropriate touching). Black spikes descend from nowhere and murder the poor girl ("he told me that time didn't 'really' count!"), crucifying her to the marble floor.

Spyrytara Xalass

Marco is picked in her place, the door is slammed on Ericius and a groveling Solon, men not being allowed in ceremonies to the Goddess of Magic and Death. Soon after Ericius hears screams, and rushes to let his 3 nearby allies in the temple by the back door.

Inside the main temple, the black magic evoked has sucked the larvae-souls of the girls, 9 to each priestess. Congealing in large flaming devilish skulls of power, the sacrificed souls begin rejuvenating the decrepit crones, making them young and beautiful.
But the ceremony has gone afoul: Marco wasn't yet a 'real' woman. The priestesses are wracked by the resulting backlash of mystical energies gone awry. One of the temple devil guardians offers his life to WeeJas in sacrifice to save the dark ritual as the 4 heroes burst in to rescue Marco.

A desperate battle ensues with the remaining guardian and his 2 allies, the spined-devils that had rained black spikes down from above earlier. Ericius kills the Priestess Zealia with a perfect dagger throw to the eye. Marco stomps on Spyrytara's throat but the blow, though damaging, isn't strong enough to kill her. Eogan slices the Priestess Innoria's hand, wounding her, while keeping the bearded devil-guard at bay. The last priestess, Elaheh, was blind when a crone, and has remained blind, even now young. Cursing, she conjures a skull of flame and crashes it in the middle of the Temple, while Innoria supplicates WeeJas to protect her chosen from the flames of hell. Thorik, after having started a fire in a nearby wizard's lab, has wisely reached the exit, opening the door just in time for all to escape the blast, save for Ericius who is partially scorched. They narrowly make their exit, the priestesses too hurt and rattled to pursue.

Bearded-Devil Temple Guard


Marco is marked -pun intended- by the experienced, the dark magic of the ritual having flowed through her. She is also wounded, cut at the stomach during the fight. She isn't alone: Thorik has contused ribs from a fall and Ericius has burns along his back and right shoulder.


Patron-Client Interlude - private conversation in between Marculus and Zagrathul:

"I have seen you before Half-Orc. You were following Molor's shaman in the emcampments weren't you."
"Yes, my good sir. It was me, in flesh and spirit." Bowing deep, with a smile ironic as his presence amongst nobility.
"And what are you doing here, I doubt any apprentice of that shaman would be foolish enough to travel for pleasure. What are your intentions and speak truthfully, I have little love for liars and deceivers and my patience runs thin after long talks of politics and the likes"
As he adjusts his warhammer stowed on his back, "I know you half-orcs listen only when threatened with force"
Backing away from the man whom he heard stories of his skill in combat, traded by warrior orcs around the fire in his time when Valgash was still of the living, he quickly responded,
"My apologies, I meant no disrespect, Dominus. I was sent by Servius Tiberius Molorius Viridis, Valgash told me to stay by his side and follow his orders."
"Viridis?! Since when does he have a shaman at his disposal? Why did he send you here, speak now half-orc." rising from his seat at the name of Viridis.
"What's that?"
"My name, Dominus." he answered calmly
"I don't care about your name Zagrathul, it's strange and doesn't roll off the tongue" he responded shaking his head disapprovingly.
"I'm an apprentice Shaman. Viridis as you say, sent me away quickly after learning of my new place by his side, he was obviously perturbed by my presence. I was directed by Valgash after his assassination"
"After his assassination... So you mean to say you can commune with the dead" spoken with clear interest in his voice
"Oh yes my lord. Your eyes do seem to gleem with curiosity as the sound of my craft" spoke the now smiling half-orc.
"Well, I was recently thrown into this new world and it could likely bring me a step closer to Wee Jas. Anyways, this is none of your concern. But I give you an opportunity Zagrathul. You see, my family, my name has been dragged through the mud these recent times and I wish to restore it to its former glory and more. Currently I'm trying to take care of our finances but without the help of my uncaring uncle and cousins, it proves a heavy task for myself" he sighs at the mention of his troubles.
And he continues, "You on the other hand, I give a simpler task. Let the name of the Tiberii be known wherever you do good deed. Your fame will be for us, looking at you, you have no need for reknown. Do this for me, for our house now that you serve Viridis and I will grant you a position of power depending on your own success and the growth of our name. I will either force Viridis to keep you or take you by my side. My dearest cousin may be clever but he is blind to the raw potential when presented to him. If it does not shine at first light, it does not catch his attention..." he pauses thinking of Viridis.
"But know this, half-orc. If the name Tiberius is ever presented spoken with your misdeeds, be aware that you will bring about two things for yourself. The first: no mercy from my end unless the reason justifiable far outweighs the consequence. The second: swift death from my very own hammer or fist, whichever happens to be most convenient to me." spoke the young man with a low voice and hammer gleaming with celestial radiance.
"I would simply explain to my cousin that I was forced to put down his untamed dog. I honestly don't think he would shed a tear. Remember, betraying me is betraying your master, Viridis or the shaman whichever you prefer to think of before you act" finished Marculus sitting back in his seat.
Zagrathul stammers before taking a moment to regain his speech, "and how do I know you won't kill me like a dog after helping you?"
"I give you my word"


Month of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

After meeting the Guldarii present, the heroes confirm the imminent Goblin threat and prepare a hasty defense of the Guldarius country estate.

Remius Guldarius Lentix - Pater Familia

Erena Vania - wife of Elius Guldarius Bratus 'Dario'
(Lentix's younger brother, away fighting in Cervileto with their son)

Lycus Guldarius Mensa - Nephew of Lentix

Under the cover of night, the Goblin force, led by a skilled stealthy archer, attracts the defenders's attention at one end while another group climbs the estate walls at the other. The ruse succeeds, even managing to lock most defenders, along with 3 heroes, outside their own villa. Total disaster is only averted by great heroic action, and a bit of luck, a Guldarius slave being at the right place and time to reopen the locked doors.

Elite Stealthy Goblin Archer

Goblins in the Estate!

The crazed murderous goblin leader is nonetheless able to claim the lives of Hirtia and her daughter Semmia Secunda, and is only stopped short of killing Vania by Ericius.

Goblin Leader (foreseen in a death vision by Zagrathul)

Of the 44 Goblins, only 6 escape.
4 deaths on the Guldarius side: the 2 patrician ladies and 2 Guldarii defenders.
Strange gold coins are found on the leader: they bear the skull of Wee Jas on one side, and a strange 4-pointed star symbol on the other. The star is tinted in crimson (yes, I said crimson, not scarlet ... definitely NOT scarlet).

Skull of Wee Jas

4-pointed Star

The Goblin archer also had a wicked yellow moon symbol on him.

Goblin Moon Symbol

The battle over, a plan of action is reached: the heroes are to take Mensa back to Scantium to learn more of what happened, speak to the Croamarch and spread word that the good name of Guldar was victim of a foul murderous attempt. Young Domina Ignis and Lebius Lucullus, the Egnasius physician slave of quality, accompany them, the plan being to later proceed to the Egnatius estate north of the city.
Meanwhile Lentix and Vania would rouse support in the nearby villages, gathering local support and much-needed manpower (most of the fighting men having not yet returned from the Cervileto front).

The tomboyish Ignis is found to be somewhat of a teenage savant, taking interest from such varied fields as medicine (taught by Lucullus) to metalworking.

Lebius Lucullus

Ignis (3rd daughter of Sextus Egnatius Sopho)



Month of Korius (8), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The heavyset man leans down, his fleshy face creasing into a friendly smile. His cupped manicured hands open, revealing a piece of syrupy honeyed candy.

“Have a bonbon, child. Go ahead, they’re delicious. All the young ones love them: my daughter, who is just about your age, my son, who’s a bit younger.”

Marco’ looks up at the Senator, unsure what to say or do.
Thorik returns to the subject at hand:

“If this … mysterious … Crimson Brotherhood uses Greenskins, that can’t be good.”

Thorik, like most of the bearded folk, has always distrusted the Empire for using Greenskin auxilia, mercenaries. Personal recent events proved – no surprise there – the enduring wisdom of the Dwarves.

“The Dwarves have an enduring wisdom we should all hope to one day acquire, as solid as stone.” Thorik’s eyes narrow. Marcellus Mordenius Brutus’s tongue is more honeyed than his bonbons. It is also astute and sharp. Does his sorcerous magic read minds?

“They have toiled behind a veil of secrecy to pull crucial strings not only here in Onwalia, but as far North as Almoria and Nyrondia. One of the most trusted, able and influential leader of the rebellion, the Onwalian Tirus Statilius Taurus, Taurio, was an agent of theirs. Twin albino archmages they sent have helped tilt the scale against overwhelming odds here and in the Almorian war. I suspect they may have even played a role in the diplomacy that brought Nyrondia into the conflict, granting the latest victory at the naval battle of Fulvus Sinum. No one invests so much without expecting dividends. I fear those may be coming.” The Senator concludes.

Senator Marcellus Mordenius Brutus

The Cervileto siege. Members of the newly formed Bolgios militia are eager to prove themselves. They make a sortie to protect the monastery grounds south of the city … and fall into a trap, laid there by “The Fox” to lessen the number of city defenders. Javier, Eogan and Zagrathul are among the prisoners of war made that day. Marco and Certius, luckier, escape. They will both continue to serve in the city militia for the remainder of the conflict.

The captured trio ends up as galley slaves for the Imperial fleet. They row aboard one of their biggest vessel, the mighty quinquereme Scorpius Fluctor. At the naval battle of Fulvus Sinum, the Fluctor is targeted by the two Mordenii and their Adrini Storm-Druid ally. In the midst of the carnage, Lupius Mordenius Ingvarus Salio breaks into the galley holds and sacrifices four helpless slaves to Hextor. He then rescues the enslaved trio, along with a fourth, an Onwalian named Ericius.

Lupius Mordenius Ingvarus Salio

The Scorpius Fluctor at the battle of Fulvus Sinum

The naval battle, though technically a bloody stalemate at sea, is considered by all an astounding victory, for in centuries no one had pushed back the Imperial Navy from the Garnea Mare, their “mare nostra”. Control of the sea lost, and the overland route through the Iron Hills locked by Dwarven decree, this leaves Consul Vulpus Reynius Naelax “The Fox” without a reliable source of resupply for his already battle weary – having just returned from the Almorian War – Leo (IVth Legion). Using the remaining ships, the Fox pulls out from the Cervileto siege and retreats to the safety of Alissa.
Onwalian independence is celebrated throughout the peninsula.

But the Mordenii and their Adrini ally gleam the works of an invisible hand pulling strings, using the Temples of Wee Jas to relay their messages and nefarious plans. The Storm Druid Pompo Altus Animosus forces the course of events by killing Taurio at the Sornum Temple, along with the local High Priestess.
Alea iacta est, the die is thus cast.
This secret brotherhood, a power from a mysterious foreign land, sharing in the worship of Wee Jas, is revealed to be this invisible hand. They employ humanoid and greenskin troops. Scantium is their source in Onwalia.

The Mordenii are busy securing their newly created power base in the Sornum region. The Storm Druid is similarly occupied in Adrini-controlled Tarlesan. Along with their new ally Proculus Tiberius Marculus, they accept as clients the four they saved from the galleys, along with their two former acquaintances (Marco and Certius), to investigate Scantium for this new menace. 15 aurei each are given as loan, to be repaid at one per ten interest (16.5) in a year (Zagrathul only takes 5, with 5.5 to be repaid).
The Dwarf Thorik, who has worked for Ingvarus, also joins the mission to Scantium.

The Westlight: Scantium's Great Lighthouse

Arriving in Scantium

A typical Scantium domus (home) and view

As they arrive in Scantium, the jeweled Gate to the West, they witness a local rapscallion of renown, one Veneto, stirring up a mob to seek vengeance and restitution from a patrician family of Aerdian decent: the Semmii. Zagrathul, with Certius' help, save the family matron, Hirtia, wife of Melius Semmius Limiteus, by absconding her, hidden, in a rolled carpet. Ericius meanwhile saves her second daughter Semmia Secunda, along with her visiting friend Ignis. Though Ignis appears tomboyish, she is in fact a patrician, third daughter of Sextus Egnatius Sopho. Zagrathul confronts Veneto and finds out he has an ally present, the Tiefling Ekvius. Ekvius is a member of the Nocte Larua – the Night Masks – the powerful thieves’ guild of Scantium.

Veneto the Rapscallion

Ekvius of the Nocte Larua

Hirtia, wife of Melius Semmius Limiteus

They learn 3 of the 10 powerful Scantium families are targeted in the mob uprising: Semmius, Egnatius and Guldarius. They also learn some in the local militia are in cahoots with the Nocte Larua. The Croamarch's militia was inauspiciously absent to prevent the sacking of the Semmius city estate. Point of note: though the Semmius and Egnatius are both purely Aerdian families, the Guldarius are not only of strong Onwalian descent but also known to be staunch patriots. The second brother, Dario, was fighting with his son in Cervileto.

With both Egnatius and Guldarius currently outside the city in their respective rural villa estates, the heroes struggle to decide on which one to go to first, since one lies North and the other South of the city. Even though they have the Egnatius daughter with them, they opt for the Guldarius South. They spot a small camp of Goblins in a nearby hill from the estate. They easily defeat the 6 Goblins present but find traces of much more of the foul Greenskins …

GAME 13: ONWALIAN UPRISING - it begins ...


Month of Pelius (7), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The PATRONS (Tiberii & Allies):

Following the Battle of Dakova, Marculus leaves south with the Mordenii (Senator, etc.).
All the other Tiberii follow the 2 Legions (V & IX), withdrawing back towards Hospicio Balneum.
Thoneus seeks out his own people, the Gnomes, in the nearby hills.
Viridis & Lepida stay with Prince Strychanius & Governess Karasinia, trying to cultivate a relationship with the Emperor’s brother.
Saxeus & Cruox proceed back to Nodanum. Saxeus stays in the city while Cruox seeks out the Dwarves of the Stonehammer Clan.

Saxeus spends a lot of time at the Wizard’s Mansion. Magister Dieter Vogt enquires about Lepida upon Saxeus’s return but does not press the issue and, with time passing, the subject is never brought up again.
Saxeus’s attempts to find possible allies for the Tiberii remain, at this point, unsuccessful. Saxeus’s general cold demeanor and the Tiberii’s poor state of affairs are making the matter difficult.
The Molorii are regrouping under the new leadership of Primus, who has left the Legion to attend to his family.
Rumors in the city speak of strange events, especially in the area close to the now infamous ‘Pit’ (site of the meteor crash). Zealots and proselytes speak of the moral bankruptcy of the City, and the Empire, as the cause.

At first, Cruox spends most of his days with Marnan Tholarsin in Nodanum. Marnan is a Stonehammer Clan Longbeard who showed interest in Gravus and later Cruox. Having brought both to the Dakova battlefield (with Veleda), he witnessed the fight from afar.
Marnan brings Cruox to the Flint Hills where he is introduced to Stonehammer Clan Elder and Jarl Hordak Daggarkin. Cruox realizes the Clan is still burdened by the curse of Goldklamm (Gold Canyon a.k.a. Abruptionis Aureum): not only the loss of the mines but the disgrace of Abbathor’s greed. Many Stonehammer Dwarves, feeling they have lost their honor, have taken the Slayer path, most seeking their redemption and doom defending their border territories against the ever-encroaching Greenskin tribes of the Bone March. One has returned mad from a long trek South-East, speaking of a Slayer King that has emerged from brutal wars against a mighty Warg (horde) from the Pomarj. The Mad Slayer has left, vowing to seek him out.

Thoneus spends enjoyable moments with his kin. At first attempting to consolidate alliances, he finds himself soon overwhelmed with most of his time spent, and wasted, in long reunions and parties catching up with relatives and long lost acquaintances. Seeing again the Druidess Tarragona Pineneedle Wrelin –niece of Briar Mipplemist-, at least, proves fruitful with long exchanges and talks on the Druidic ways.
While preparing for a personal quest to better understand the Tiberii’s darker side, he comes across a tale from not-so-long ago. It speaks of a rare occurrence, an elven Nerullia Arcana (Wizardess of Nerull) named Seerka Solanthys who was born touched at birth with the curse-blessing of Undeath. In itself interesting, it becomes even more so when he finds out the tale is linked to a name he heard spoken by the Drow Ferro in the arena jails of Duos Quercum : the Darkurian. Even more intriguing, a Half-Drow named Nereus was recently seen in nearby Elfis Arcem. He was said to have the Darkurian bloodline and was in the presence of none other than Senator Mordenius Brutus and his retinue.

Viridis & Lepida
Getting close to someone as important in the Empire as Prince Strychanius -the Emperor’s very own brother- would seem to most an almost impossible task. All of Strychanius’s entourage looks amusingly at Viridis and Lepida when they attempt it. And all of them look equally surprised when they seem to succeed, endearing themselves to the imperious couple. Viridis catches Strychanius’ eye at an orgy, as it seems his amorous proclivities are more inclined toward his own gender. After, Viridis discovers the Prince’s effeminate outrageous and outlandish demeanor is something of a veil, put forth to be underestimated. His private side reveals a more quiet and focused individual.
Governess Karasinia finds Lepida interesting, and Lepida soon learns she has a reputation for surrounding herself with powerful women. Hospicio Balneum, her city, is under the guidance of 3 Aerdian Goddesses: Alia-Istia, Myrhiss and Elhonna. Recently, she has brought to her court 2 Melaenae women, Melaena Cornelia, Priestess of Alia-Istia, and the infamous beauty Melaena Nerezza “the Black Widow”. Interestingly, both traveled with Senator Mordenius Brutus and were involved in the early stages of the Almorian war.

Following the Mordenii and their Ally the Storm-Druid Animosus, Marculus’s first stop is to a nearby site of a crucified legionnaire named Cretius. Ingvarus gives praise to Hextor, thanking him for the victory at Dakova. Cretius was a human sacrifice made to the War God. Marculus is surprised to see a score of Kobolds rejoining them. They follow the Mordenii’s commands.
The Mordenii follow Duce Zefrinius and the remains of the Rapax south. The men are looking more and more ragged, exhausted, hungry and savage. Cannibalism –those slain in the battle, both enemies and their own- has become rampant in the legion as supplies have long being exhausted. Many are slowly growing mad, losing their humanity. Only fierce discipline and might maintain cohesion.
Another strange sight: a woman travels with the Rapax. Her name is Micipsa, last survivor of the 4 whores given by Senator Brutus to the Legion.
Travelling deeper in war-torn Almoria, Marculus sees the weather has become unnatural, summer fields devastated and laid to waste by acidic rains pouring down upon the land, turning it desolate and inhospitable.
After passing through the destroyed city of Askernium, the Rapax travels south and reach an imposing and eerie citadel of red stone named Bloodcrystal.
Zefrinius summons the Legion to the red citadel for a dread ceremony. Senator Brutus tells Marculus it is time to leave the Legion, now, unless Marculus wishes to jeopardize his soul.
Leaving the Rapax, they see from afar the beginning of the ceremony. Enthralled Legionnaires are exalted by Zefrinius’s tribune priests as they call forward the highest rewards of Hextor: the 4-armed and 6-armed foretold in scriptures and prophecies. Champions and generals sent by Hextor to give them final and ultimate victory in slaughter and destruction (Hextor is said in some scriptures to have 6 arms).
Continuing south, the Kobolds guide the Mordenii clear of the oncoming 3 Legions of the Emperor, by now only a few days distant from the Rapax.
They reach the coastline where a fast boat called the Angelia is waiting. The Garnea Mare (sea) is crossed and they reach Onwalia in the coastal city of Sornum.
Marculus asks Brutus about the promised financial gains in Onwalia. Brutus introduces him to a cousin, Amus Mordenius Devexus, who deals mostly in sea trade. Aboard the large ship Drakus, Marculus is to accompany him to Scantium and beyond for a profitable merchant journey.


The coastal city of Cervileto is under siege. The 4th Legion, the Leo, was recalled from the Almorian battlefront after news of the uprisings in Onwalia reached their Legate, Consul Vulpus Reynius Naelax 'the Fox'. Transported swiftly by the Imperial Fleet based in Prympium and guarding the Garnea Mare, the battle-hardened legionnaires quickly set to work, deploying siege works and weapons. The enthusiasm of the rebellion's early success is dampened, as Onwalians realize they are faced with the might of the Empire's best.

A group of unlikely heroes, all linked in their own way to the Tiberii, decide to take action and assist in the defense. The Adrini gladiator Eogan, the merchant marine Certius, the cartographer Javier De Barciega, the young messenger Marco and the Half-Orc shaman Zagrathul thus enlist in the local militia. Zagrathul, who was imprisoned and in stocks for acts of sorcery against a boy, is freed by Certius who vouches for him and force-enrolls him into service. The rest just follow suit, Javier and Marco negotiating scout salaries from the highly-motivating old sergeant-of-arms Amalo.

They hear a wealthy local citizen, Bolgios, is supplying at the Turis Scenum arms and armor to those who will join his outfit. They become Bolgios Militiamen, wearing liveries and coats of arms of yellow with 3 green olives displayed in a triangular pattern (2 at the top, one below). Having seen from the walls enemy movement circling south to invest the Temple and Monastery grounds to Istia-Ehlonna, they decide to cautiously check it out.

There, they save a young girl named Mencia from a group of undead, 2 Skeleton and a Zombie that have emerged from the Tarano Fluvio river.



24th of Cobius (6), 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The Orcs are far from vanquished: Molor's second in command, Umurn Spikefist, atop his giant war Boar, rallies his greenskins for a new assault.

Umurn Spikefist atop his War Boar

Merral sees an opportunity to distinguish himself and charges the feral Orc. Lepida follows to protect him and they are soon rejoined by Viridis from one side, Saxeus, Thoneus, Marculus and Cruox from the other. Umurn is slain, his orcs scattered or killed.

By this point, Zefrinius has swung his 1st cohort southward, threatening the right flank of the Imperial army. Legatus Legionis Vetus, commander of the Aries (IX), has brought his own elite 1st cohort to counter the maneuver. With him: Viridis's older brother Primus.

Just below the Selca Heights, the 1st cohort of the Ursa (V) is about to break the thin ranks of the Rapax (XVI). Only Senator Brutus, his nephew Ingvarus, the Storm Druid Animosus and a few legionaries stand in the way of a complete breakthrough. 

Though by this point battle-worn and tired, the Tiberii press on and make tough decisions, dividing their numbers.
Lepida and Merral move towards Zefrinius to fight with him but also attempt to save Primus.
SaxeusThoneusMarculus and Cruox attempt to assist the beleaguered Senator.

A flying bat-winged She-Devil Champion rises above the fray, her fiery whip cracking the air in thunderous sound. A pack of Hell Hounds are unleashed and thrown at the Senator and his men. She almost kills the Storm Druid when the Tiberii intervene and turn the tides, pulling off a tremendous upset by slaying her and her hounds.

 She-Devil Champion ...
... and her Hell Hounds

Meanwhile, Viridis, Lepida and Merral fight their way towards Zefrinius who has engaged Vetus in singular combat. Vetus is killed by the superior and seemingly unstoppable Animus commander of the Rapax. Primus is about to attempt the impossible: fight Zefrinius. Viridis arrives just in the nick of time and uses sorcery to charm his brother, convincing him the fight is lost and to retreat.
Primus, now the new Pater Familia of the Molorii, is saved ...

Though the battle is far from decided, with Zefrinius threatening to outflank the Imperial army, the effeminate Prince Strychanius judges the better part of valor is to pull back and sound the general retreat, salvaging what forces he still commands and avoid a rout.

Zefrinius's victory comes at a great price: half of his men are left dead in the fields of Dakova.

A grateful Senator Brutus offers the Tiberii a chance to gain fame, land and fortune in their ongoing rebellion in southern Onwalia. For a moment he thought his uncle Decius The Hell Hound had caused the appearance of this hellish pack (Decius is the only other wizard in his family, whose insignia is the canis, the hound).

Putting that though aside, he explains they have been aiding the Onwalian rebellion, supplying not only the insurgents but Zefrinius's army with much needed supplies. When the Emperor pulled the Leo (IV) from the south to fight Zefrinius, this allowed the flames of rebellion of be fanned.

The Mordenii having been declared traitors, their lands in nearby Sargelleum -in the adjacent Province of Alissa - were seized. Ingvarus had hired Dwarves from the powerful nearby Clans of the Iron Hills to build him a small keep. Unfortunately for the local Imperial forces sent to seize the keep, the Dwarves were not going to budge or stop work on a signed contract without credible proof than simply the words of the local militia. The soldiers took offense, how dare these stunted mongrels dictate events to citizens of the Empire? A Dwarf was killed before the soldiers were forced to pull back. The Iron Hill Dwarves took offense and noted the incident down in their Book of Grudges. The isthmus to the Onwalian peninsula, where the Iron Hills are located, closed their gates to the Empire.

Will the Onwalian rebellion thrive? Or will it be ruthlessly crushed like the Medegian rebellion was a generation ago ...



24th of Cobius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

As the Tiberii discuss which side they will fight for, Cruox rejoins them, his arm healed. Saxeus, Marculus and Cruox decide to fight on Zefrinius's side. Thoneus reluctantly follows Saxeus. Lepida opts for neutrality and convinces Merral to do so as well, for the moment anyway. Viridis chooses loyalty to his birth father, Molor, and the Emperor's side.

View from Dakova village before the battle

Just before midday, the Goblin Queen advances half her troops on the Selca Heights, and begins to assemble a heavy & light ballista close to the old St-Grigor's church, threatening the Orc positions.

Goblins advancing on the Selca Heights
Goblin Heavy Ballista
Goblin Light Ballista

Meanwhile, the Rapax (XVI) slowly advances, deploying in a thin continuous line that anchor the heights with the river marshes.

Rapax before deployment
Rapax on the move in a thin line

The response does not take long: the Aries (IX) and Adria Ursa (V) advance to match the maneuver while the superior Orcs and Insunami are unleashed against the weaker Goblins.

Aries (left) & Ursa (right) before deployment
Auxilia Orcs & Insunami before deployment

Zefrinius (or Goblin Queen?)'s gamble: the weak Goblin left flank must hold for this initial crucial clash.
Goblin Queen personally leading the 1st wave

Abandoning the siege weapons, which were only a decoy, the Goblin Queen orders her troops to fall back with St-Grigor's church becoming the apex of a salient wedge where she and the most powerful on her side will make a stand. The tactic works perfectly, the wedge attracts the strongest enemy forces: their Ettin and Cyplops. The monstrous beasts, along with scores of Orcs, are defeated with the aid of the Tiberii.

St-Grigor: the lure
St-Grigor: falling back into the old church

Meanwhile, on the fields below, the legions violently clash with great magics and counter spells being unleashed on both sides. Devils and Hell Fire devastate the land. The advantage in sorcery is clearly on Zefrinius's side. A Meteor Swarm wreaks havoc in the Emperor's Legions, killing hundreds.

Incendiary Storm countered by the Ursa
Meteor Swarm smashes into the Ursa & Aries

Though outnumbered, the thin lines of the Rapax's 2nd through 10th cohort hold. This allows the strongest Cohort, the 1st, and the Alae of Eques Legionis (cavalry) to swing left (north).

Rapax 1st Cohort
1st Cohort & Alae on the move to outflank on the left

They are led by none other than Zefrinius, who charges first, alone, flying atop his monstrous Nightmare steed, into the Insunami ranks.

Duce Zefrinius atop his Nightmare
Nightmare in flight

Zefrinius slays many, including their leader, before being rejoined by his troops who crush the barbarian auxilia, making them rout into the hills in utter disarray. 

Insunami Chieftain
Insunami wielding their dreaded Falx

Molor realizes his only chance to salvage the situation is to break the Goblin ranks before Zefrinius can pivot his troops right and sweep into their flank from the north. Leading the charge with Viridis at his side, he throws his Orcs in a renewed assault aimed at breaking the Goblin Queen once and for all.
Orc charge: Waaagh!!!

At this moment the Goblin Queen's reserves, the second part of her army which she had kept fresh for such a moment, charges into the orcish side, appearing from the reverse slope of the plateau.

Goblin 2nd wave led by Ogrish 4-armed monstrosity

Watching this epic battle unfold, Merral cannot stay neutral any longer. He wonders which side Hextor favors, which side to choose. Lepida convinces him to pick Zefrinius's side. He charges on horseback, Lepida follows. They reach the Orc Shaman Valgash that Lepida kills before he can weave his deadly curses.

Orc Shaman Valgash

The Goblin Queen faces Molor in singular combat. Saxeus prevents Viridis from interfering, magic forcing his adopted son to flee the fight. The old Molor fights bravely and even wounds the Queen. But her youth and unrelenting fierceness cannot be denied: Molor is mortally wounded.
A dying favor: he asks that she show her true face, for he has understood he was fighting no common goblin. The privilege and honor of knowing who has finally vanquished him. Moved by the request, the Queen orders the Hag Cassia to cancel the illusion. Cassia protests: it would be highly unwise.
"By the Furies, do as I ask!" is her reply.
The illusion is dropped. Valka Spartaca Tisiphone is revealed to him, this time in Gladiatrix (female gladiator) garb.

Valka Spartaca Tisiphone the Gladiatrix

Molor looks at her, coughs blood. About to tell her one more thing, she chops off his head ...



- Month of Cobius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Cruox is left under the care of the Stonehammer Dwarves in Nodanum while the Tiberii leave South to fulfill Viridis's oath to Hextor. They are to accompany and protect the bastard son of  High Priest Almius Ignisius a.k.a. Halmut Feuerbach (who saved Marculus), one Merralius a.k.a. Merral Halbblut.

Merralius a.k.a. Merral Halbblut

Merral's mission: bring news from Nodanum and return with news of the Almorian war. Merral also has a secret mission from his father: to gauge the worthiness of both sides in the eyes of Hextor. The Emperor himself has brought the might of six legions to defeat the traitor Zefrinius and his rogue XVIth Legion (the 'Rapax'): the IVth Legion ('Leo') from the South (Alissa), the Vth ('Adria Ursa') and IXth  ('Aries') from the North, and the Ist ('Vultor'), XIVth ('Mortis - Mors Aeterna') and XVth  ('Letia - Deus Nex') from the East.

They find the two northern legions (V & IX) camped on the road between Hospicio Balneum and Askernia in Almoria. Facing them is the Rapax (XVI).

Prince Strychanius (Strychanius Ividius Naelax), the slim effeminate ruler of Pulvis Pontum and brother to the Emperor, is leading the northern legions. He has brought with him his lover, the Governess Karasinia, widow of Corazelius Karanius, ruler of Hospicio Balneum. General Levianus, a proven commander, is at their side. Other commanders include the Legatus Legionis Lucius Antistius Vetus, leading the Aries (IX), Tiberius Molorius Primus, Viridis's older brother, a junior Tribune of the Aries (Tribunus Angusticlavus), and Molor, Viridis's father, in command of the Orc auxilia.

Molor (Viridis's father)

Tiberius Molorius Primus (Viridis's older brother)

Given permission to be sent as envoy to the other side, they meet the terrifying Animus Duce Zefrinius. They also notice mysterious Albino Twins, obviously wielders of magic. Though Zefrinius says little, Merral is visibly impressed by the Animus.

Mysterious Albino Twin

In the Rapax camp, they also meet a senator in exile, Senator Marcellus Mordenius Brutus, accompanied by his nephew the large adopted Hextorian warrior Lupius Mordenius Ingvarus Salio and an ally the half-Adrini Storm Druid Pompo Altus Animosus. The senator suggests the Tiberii join their side in the battle to come, offering rewards in the South and promises of allowing a fallen family the chance to resettle and grow strong once again.

Storm Druid Pompo Altus Animosus

Thoneus spots the short rotund Dwaven-speaking 'Hag' of Goldchasm (games 3 & 4) in the camp and sends an animal messenger to ask for a meeting next to an old abandoned church (St-Grigor's) in no-man's land at midnight.

Old abandoned church (St-Grigor)

The Hag is the Dwarf Artificer Gravus in magical disguise. He shows up at midnight, but not alone.


With him is his 'Domina', the Goblin Queen herself, actually a human warrior in magical disguise. Her true identity is Valka Spartaca Tisiphone. Valka brings the severed head of one of Molor's cyclops, a prelude of things to come according to the petite but fierce warrior.

Valka Spartaca Tisiphone

With her are the two others 'hags': the Aerdian lady Cassia Nigra Alecto and the Coruskian Veleda Megaera.
Cassia Nigra Alecto
Veleda Megaera

The Tiberii had met Gravus and Veleda in Nodanum. Thoneus learns Veleda, a Priestess of the northern Goddess Freya-Erda, was able to cure Cruox's limb-threatening injury, and that he has been offered to join their side in the battle to come. Valka believes her goblins will face off with the enemy's auxilia. She personally plans to slay either of that side's most fearsome opponent: the Ettin giant that accompanies the orcs or the orc commander Molor.

The Goblin Queen leading her troops

Dawn breaks as both camps face one another. Will Prince Strychanius continue waiting for his brother and his legions, reported to be 4-6 day's march away? Or will battle ensue?



2nd of the Ides of Cobius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

While celebrating the Revels of the Dammarales, Marculus met the entertainer and courtesan Ilsa (Ilse). Ilsa implores him to help her find her 8-year old nephew Garon at Bertelius (Bertel)'s Candle factory where he works. The candle factory is located in the poor quarter, close to the Pit.

On this 3rd and final day of the green full moon, the Tiberii realize to their horror some of the factory workers are now were-rats. A fierce battle ensues.

Using the diversion from the battle, Ilsa absconds from the group. Not as helpless as she seemed, she reveals herself to be a skilled thief who uses the diversion to acquire a satchel from the abandoned buildings. She escapes with it. It looks like there was no Garon to rescue.

Ilse/Ilsa the not-so-innocent courtesan

Cruox is gravely wounded by Lepida who accidentally plants one of her puggios (daggers) in his left bicep. The injury is grave and the dwarf risks losing the arm.



1st of the Ides of Cobius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Entering Nodanum, the Tiberii find an odd combination of doomsayers, panicked fleeing crowds from the devastated poor quarters and party-goers celebrating the 3-day Revels of the Dammarales. Marculus is swept into the orgies taking place in the Crimson Lights district, partying all night at the infamous Velvet Petal fest-hall.

Curious about the crash site, now known as 'The Pit', they find scholars of the Wizard's Mansion investigating the devastation. Magister Dieter Vogt (Dietius Vogius) takes them back to the school of magic (the mansion) to hear about the events at Castle Ulmade.

Magister Dieter Vogt

There they realize a consequence of the crash was to render magic unstable and chaotic in nature. Manes (minor demons) have been gated in by mistake. The Tiberii and Dieter attempt to fight them off. Dieter's magic goes awry and a many eyed boccobian aberration is summoned into the world (Lepida slaps Dieter in admonition).

A chaotic magic beam from one of the aberration's eye-stalks hits Viridis, making him confuse Marculus for the enemy. Viridis stabs him deep in the gut with a mortal wound.

The Tiberii rush him to the nearby church of Hextor where the High Priest, Almius Ignisius a.k.a. Halmut Feuerbach, heals Marculus but only after Viridis swears an Oath to perform a task for the Temple.

Almius Ignisius a.k.a. Halmut Feuerbach

Back at the Wizard's Mansion, Dieter introduces the Tiberii to the most knowledgeable astrologer of these parts, Ludenius a.k.a. Ludenhof.

Ludenius-Ludenhof holding the boccobian symbol of the School

Ludenius confirms that the ritual at Castle Ulmade was one part of three, a triangulation with Nodanum at its center. The other 2 points are the old abandoned Wizard Tower of Azal'Lan in the forest to the South-West, and Wrutok's Mound, Orcish grounds directly East of the city, past the mercenary village of Brigandsburg.



26-28th of the Ides of Olidius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The Tiberii press on inside Ulmade Castle and find it haunted. Servants have become shadow/shades, items in a torture chamber animate and move with deadly results, and an area has been bricked shut.

Luther Meiron has been using sections of the upper castle for astrological experiments linked to Reckart the Doomsayer's prophecy, foretelling the advent of a dire day of reckoning for the failing of morals in the Empire. At the full moon of the Ides, on the last day of Olidius, month dedicated to 'depraved' Dammarus and his vices, a day of reckoning, Dies Irae, as seen in the stars, will descend upon mankind from the heavens themselves.

Though not versed in astrology, Saxeus and his pupil (and adopted son) Viridis are scholarly enough to understand Luther was performing astrological magic rituals to enforce the prophecy unfolding as told. By the notes and formulas found, there are 2 other actors involved in different unknown locales. The rituals require constant supervision and a decision is made not to fulfill the prophecy as Luther and his accomplices designed.

Returning in haste to Nodanum, they arrive on the infamous night of the full moon during that last prophesied day. They witness from afar a meteor coming down from the heavens. Its tail is a trail of green dust that shrouds the moon itself in a dark eerie emerald radiance. The comet crashes inside Nodanum, smashing into the poor quarters of the city.

The Tiberii reach the gates of the city at daybreak. The Green-Black dust raised from the impact is so thick it almost completely blocks the sun. Shouts, screams and lamentations of chaos and panic can be heard from within the walls. The northern 'river' gate from which the Tiberii are approaching is closed.

Nodanum at daybreak after the meteor crash



Closing days of Olidius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The Arrival at the major north-western Imperial city of Nodanum (a.k.a. Knurl). After brief encounters at the puppet show and with Reckat the Doomsayer, the Tiberii meet their client allies, Viridis's family, the Molorii. The Pater Familia, the half-orc general Molor, has left south with his first son Primus to fight in the wars in Almoria. They are received by Tiberia Pallida, his wife (Viridis's mother), and second son Caius Molorius Fidelis.

Tiberia Pallida
Molorii COA: a red wyvern on a green field

Caius Molorius Fidelis

Pallida offers them a chance to earn some fame and rewards, seeking out the wizard traitor Luther Meiron (Luterius Meirus) at Ulmade Castle. They uncover at the waypost owned by Vromag the half-orc that he is holed up there with a dozen Orcs of the Broken Bones under the leadership of Thadok. A fight ensues at the Castle's gatehouse. 

Thadok, Ruloc the Half Orc and 9 orcs are dispatched, one flees into moors while Luther retreats inside the castle.
Luther Meiron




28th day of the Ides of Elius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The moonstone earth creatures are vanquished and the Tiberii make timely escape as the mines collapse around them.

Amara's tribute to Thoneus' brave badgers

They continue they journey west to Anguli Vadum (a.k.a. Angleford) where they spend 2 weeks training.
Many tribes, Dravi, Galani, Insumani and Adrini, trade here with the Empire. The Governor is a relatively open-minded Aerdian called Marius Terentius Fronto.



Realizing the hag is from the other warring goblin faction, the YellowTooth, Cruox proposes an alliance ('friends'). She seems to accept, unleashing a devastating attack on the goblins of the BloodyEye (magic or technology, or both: hard to tell). She is soon rejoined by another hag and the Goblin Queen of the YellowTooth tribe. The Tiberii begin to suspect something is amidst when they overhear the short rotund one speak in unaccented Dwarven.

After grabbing some crucial components, proof of the foul experiments conducted here by the goblins, they retreat through a secret dwarven passage, most likely dating back to the days of the Stonehammer Dwarven Clan. The passage leads to an abandoned moonstone mine, protected by undead dwarves. There they find raw moonstone mineral, moonstone gems and various pieces of jewelry made with the gems.

Raw Moonstone Ore
Fine Moonstone Necklace
 Raw Moonstone Necklace
Raw Moonstone Ring

But the dangers Thoneus warned about (in his soon to be legendary cake metaphor) awaits those who perturb the mines: a pair of 'eyes' are seen appearing in the mine walls. Moments after, a moonstone earth creature emerges from the stone ...



The stay with the Adrini people is strained by centuries of poor relations between the Adrini and the Empire, exacerbated by a recent treaty betrayal by Governor Panarix who tried to enslave many of them to enrich himself. This conflict led to the most recent Aerdi-Adrini conflict, resulting in the defeat of Panarix's Tylisian cohort (from the Vth Legion, the Adria Ursa) at the hands of assembled Adrini tribes led by Belgerix of Wallia, the Adrini 'Great King'.

Fortunately, Thoneus bridges the mistrust gap and Belgerix leads them to another gnome: Briur Mipplemist Wrelin. Briur offers the Tiberii a mission: to solve the mystery of the goblins at Abruptionis Aureum a.k.a. Goldchasm a.k.a. Gold Canyon. Briur and his niece the Druidess Tarragona Pineneedle Wrelin have been looking into the goblin tribe residing there for many decades. The goblins raid the Gnomes of the Flinty Hills (close to Hospicio Balneum) and harvest gruesome gnome parts, namely their brains. Briur wishes to understand why they are doing so. Normally approaching the goblin tribe would be too dangerous, but a recent war with a competing goblin clan has opened a window of opportunity for such a mission.

The Tiberii accept for a payment of 350 aurei. Saxeus shares his knowledge of Goldchasm's history:
"Along a 15 mile narrow stretch of forest, rocky chasms cleave hundreds of feet below the forest floor. Cave complexes honeycomb some of the rifts. This is dangerous terrain, because the chasms shift, closing and reforming.
Earth Mages have been interested in this area because of the unstable nature of the terrain whose cause seem to go beyond usual phenomena such as earthquakes.
There are rumors of passageways to the Underdark within the area.
Goldchasm is so named because there have been discoveries of veins of that metal here, and a few moonstone and chrysoberyl deposits into the bargain. Few try to recover these valuables, however. Mining is impossible because of the shifting structure of the chasms and caves, and the dangers of entrapment underground are all too real. It is also rumored monsters and dangerous animals prowl the area.
Goldchasm was once the established homes of two clans: the Stonehammer Dwarves and the Oakleaf Woodelves.
Greed and distrust began to taint the relationship between the two, and a war started between elves and dwarves for the wealth of the Goldchasm, gold fever would burn in the hearts of all.
Humanoids from the North and North-West took advantage of the war and descended into the forest.
Elves and Dwarves soon after disappeared from these parts.
This was hundreds of years ago.
As for the Goldchasm, it has become a place of mystery and vague fear."
Thoneus adds the Deep Gnomes may also be involved in whatever is going on in Goldchasm. There is also a cake metaphor that leaves most dumbfounded ...

At Goldchasm, careful scouting uncovers the rival goblin tribes. The new competing tribe, the YellowTooth, is encroaching on the residing BloodyEye clan.
A chance encounter with a goblin scout triggers a pursuit that the Tiberii use to make the two clans fight each other.

Champion of the YellowTooth

Using the diversion, they sneak into the BloodyEye's caves and stumble upon their evil works: strange devices and large pits of alchemical mixtures where goblin warriors on harnesses are lowered into the brew, undergoing agonizing changes. Some die a howling death but those that survive transform and emerge mutated. Most become misshapen, lumbering mutants with twisted limbs, bulbous eyes and festering sores. A few lucky ones emerge as twisted four armed warriors. Animals such as wolves are also mutated into monstrous aberrations.

With the element of surprise, the Tiberii successfully fight their way into the caves.

Lepida vs the Goblin Shaman

A second wave of BloodyEye goblins joins the fray from the main tunnel.
Amara sees in one of the upper tunnels one of the Hags from the YellowTooth tribe (in Cruox's earlier scouting effort he had seen the YellowTooth leaders: a tall goblin female warrior with a coven of 3 hags).



- 7th day of the High Nones of Elius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

Arrival at Duos Quercum a.k.a. 'Two Oaks'.
Besides its key location guarding the road to the Adria, Duos Quercum is the last Imperial village before entering Adrini territory. The Adrini people are uncivilized tribes that dwell in the forest and worship foreign Gods. They have their own language and barbaric rituals.
The large village is a key trading outpost between the Adrini and the Empire.
The Adrini have been subjugated by the Empire countless times in the past, but always taking refuge in the vast and foreboding Adria Forest, the Empire tolerates their existence, hiring them as mercenaries at times, and even treating some tribes as allies.

The Adrini

Governor Hextorius Berenius Panarix, former Governor of Tylisia, was reassigned to Duos Quercum after losing the Tylisian cohort of the Adria Ursa (Vth Legion, 3rd cohort) a few years ago in a debacle involving the Adrini. Tylisia is a region close to Pulvis Pontum, under the rule of Strychanius Naelax (Emperor's brother, lover of Karasinia of Hospicio Balneum).

Saxeus, Viridis, Amara, Thoneus and Cruox are approached by a mysterious drow named Ferro while purchasing supplies. He convinces them to follow him to one of the two Giant Oak Trees for which the village is named. Inside an ancient elven home now remodeled to Aerdian taste, they are greeted by Governor Panarix and his entourage, the Hextorian Priest Publilius Syrus and the philosopher and biographer Cintugnatus Retaeus.

The governor had received word via bird message of the Tiberii escapees. He sends the men to die in his local arena, so he may please his patron lord Princeps Asternius Naelax while also entertaining his people. Believing young Amara to be harmless, Panarix delivers her into the care of his old slave servant. Amara, alone with the old man, tries to escape, threatening him with her vampiric powers. To her dismay she discovers he is the Medegian Slave Wizard Savant Xenokrakis, a man of considerable power. He overpowers her with a single spell.

Intrigued by her, they try to bargain the lives of the men in exchange for her secrets. The drow Ferro seems to know more, asking is she has ties to the Darkurian. The men refuse to talk, preferring to face the dangers of the arenas. On the following day (8th), all five are brought to the arena to fight.
There they face gladiators of all kind: an Adrini, a Aerdian, a Wood Elf, a Bugbear, an Orc, a Goblin, a Hobgoblin, a Lizard man and most importantly a Giant Wolf. Retaeus, lecturing the crowd in a charismatic oration, explains he is Foolanu, one of the many cubs of the barbarian Adrini Forest Goddess, the Great She-Wolf HarQuania.

Thoneus is able to speak to Foolanu, establishing a crucial rapport with the great animal. Panarix calls upon his goblin shaman -a goblin tribe works as mercenaries for the Governor- to summon a monstrous creature to spice up the fight: an insectoid Ankheg.

The heroes are nonetheless victorious and, playing it up to the crowd, force the Governor to leave them alive for the time being. Thoneus asks Foolanu for help: the wolf delivers a fearsome howl in response.

The call was heard by HarQuania and the Adrini who rescue them during the night. They are freed by none other than Belgerix of Wallia, the Adrini 'Great King' who had rallied his tribes a few years ago to defeat Panarix's Tylisian cohort.

Belgerix vs the Tylisian Cohort



- Cantuara, whose full name is Cantuarensi Agrum, also called Edgefield by proles and the lesser casts, is a large city bordering the vast Adria woods. It is under the rule of Governor and Princeps Evius Ividius Asternius Naelax, cousin to the Emperor of Aerdi, Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax. Asternius Naelax is an Animus, blessed by Nerull's undeath. Cantuara is strategically located on a tributary branch of the mighty Flamia river, lifeblood of the Empire where its first city, the mighty capital Rauxes, heart of the Empire, was founded by the Twin War Gods Hextor and Roneus.

Cantuara is home to the Tiberius family, clients of Asternius Naelax.


- 3rd day of the Kalends of Elius, 12th year of the rule of Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax.

The spring sun rises over the quiet country estate of the Tiberii.
A Herald, garbed in dark purple robes and guarded by 5 purple cloaked Praetorian guards, goes to the small village square at the center of the estate, unfolds a scroll, clears his throat and reads in a loud, deep, slow paced tome, addressing all:

"On this day, the 3rd day of the Kalends of Elius, our supreme Imperator, Rex Immortalis Quintus Ividius Naelax, has declared the Tiberius family to be a nest of spies and traitors to our glorious Empire. He sentences the entire family, clients and servants to Undeath and, by imperial decree, orders his legate Sub-Preator Polybius Xenor to pass sentence on this day. Hail Imperator! Hail Aerdi!"

Tucco, loyal Tiberius men-at-arm and veteran, distracts the sub-praetor, making him believe to be house patrician Proculus Tiberius Marculus by donning his helmet. He leads the house guard to a vain final stand against the sub-praetor's skeletal warriors that allow the Tiberii family members here to escape.

Another house servant, Jugurta, body slave of Marculus's young sister Tiberia Amara, also gives her life to let her young Domina escape. Cruox, the dwarf family slave, swears a year of vengeance upon seeing her sacrifice.

Other family members that escape are Manius Tiberius Saxeus, Servius Tiberius Viridis and Tiberia Lepida, assisted by the gnome ally client Thoneus.

Realizing they must leave the region, Lepida seeks to acquire basic goods for a long travel. She is captured by a roving band of goblins sent to track down the escaped Tiberii. Fortunately Thoneus's pet weasel Mustela finds her and leads the rest of the family to her rescue. They successfully defeat the 18 goblins, capturing 7 of them.

Interrogating the survivors, they find out they are under the sub-praetor's command. Half a dozen more raiding parties are scouring the land for the remaining Tiberii.

The family sets out west to find safety in the vast Adria Forest, seeking to cross it and gain possible alliances with either their client gnome clans from Thoneus's family in Hospicio Balneum or Viridis's former orcish parents in Nodanum.

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