Aerdian Empire
The Aerdian Empire today.
Long gone are the days when the Twin Brother War Gods Hextor and Roneus cleared the hills around the Great Flamia River from the clutches of the Cyclops and founded Rauxes for their sons, the first true Aerdians, to live in.
Long gone are the days when the Legions defeated the Phalanxes and Philosopher Wizards of Medegia,
When they subjugated the powerful Elven cities of the Adria and Grand Woods,
When they pushed the elephant riding armies of Sunndi back across the Vast Swamps South,
When they send the savage Coruskian horned berserkers scurrying back into their mountains and Fjords North,
When they drove so far West past Nyrondia, Furyondia and Velondia, that they reached the lands of the Djinni-worshipping Baklun.
Long Gone are the days of the Senate, overthrown by the first Emperor Vecna, who became Lich, who became God.
Now Emperor after Emperor strives to surpass the glory of the one before him, embracing Nerull’s Undeath to live on forever and rise to Godhood, in hope of surpassing Vecna himself.
As for the once proud and noble people of the Empire, most have become corrupt, decadent, twisted: mere shadows of their former selves.
But a few still dream of Glory and Grandeur.
This is the story of some of them …
- The Imperial Capital is RAUXES, the Empire called AERDI.
- The EMPIRE is in decline; it is decadent, debauched and corrupt.
- The EMPIRE is divided into many large provinces and regions: the NORTH PROVINCE, the SOUTH PROVINCE a.k.a. ALISSA, ALMORIA, the TWIN CITIES, the SEA BARONS, MEDEGIA, DARMENIA, etc.
- The language of the upper classes is SUEL (Latin), commoners speak NYRONDESE (English) in the Center, Feruz in the North (Nordic/German), Velondi (Spanish/Italian) and Zindi (Hindi) in the South. Human languages beyond the Empire include Oerydian (French), Baklunish (Arabic), Bisselic (Russian), Hepmoan (Zulu), etc.
- ANIMUS, people transformed into undead, are not uncommon among the ruling class.
- DEVIL worship and dealings are common among the ruling class.
- Purple is the color of the Emperor and his direct representatives.
- Red is the color of the Legions (soldiers wear the Red Cloak).
- POLYTHEISM is the standard form of worship. MONOTHEISM is viewed as an aberration and contrary to the wellbeing of the Empire. Rituals, auguries and superstitions are common and looked upon favorably. The reverse is viewed as odd and irreverent.
- The Churches of HEXTOR and NERULL are prominent these days.
- Magic is not considered heresy, but people wielding it are often viewed with mistrust and fear.
- SLAVERY is very common and a part of everyday life.
- Before the EMPIRE was the REPUBLIC, ruled by a SENATE.
- PATRICIANS: The eldest “noble” houses, both rich and influential.
- PLEBS: The common people: merchants, artisans, peasant land owners, etc.
- PROLES: The working class, the laborers.
- ALLIES: Formal allies of the Empire. Concretely only high standing citizens of ally
countries are well regarded. The commoners are viewed with great prejudice.
- PEREGRINUS: Foreigners (“barbarians”) that have been “civilized” enough to become
accepted as citizens of the Empire.
- FREED SLAVES: Slaves that have been freed by their former owners/masters. The ones
with valuable skills (philosophers, artisans, etc.) can quickly rise in the social ranks.
- SLAVES: The bottom of the ladder. Slaves have no rights and are property. A
Master/Owner can dispose of his slaves as he wishes.
TALENT (abstract measure) 1 Talent = 1000 Aureus
AUREUS = Gold coin
DENARIUS = Silver coin
SESTERTIUS = Copper coin
AS or OBOL = Brass coin
- PATRICIANS: The eldest “noble” houses, both rich and influential.
- PLEBS: The common people: merchants, artisans, peasant land owners, etc.
- PROLES: The working class, the laborers.
- ALLIES: Formal allies of the Empire. Concretely only high standing citizens of ally
countries are well regarded. The commoners are viewed with great prejudice.
- PEREGRINUS: Foreigners (“barbarians”) that have been “civilized” enough to become
accepted as citizens of the Empire.
- FREED SLAVES: Slaves that have been freed by their former owners/masters. The ones
with valuable skills (philosophers, artisans, etc.) can quickly rise in the social ranks.
- SLAVES: The bottom of the ladder. Slaves have no rights and are property. A
Master/Owner can dispose of his slaves as he wishes.
TALENT (abstract measure) 1 Talent = 1000 Aureus
AUREUS = Gold coin
DENARIUS = Silver coin
SESTERTIUS = Copper coin
AS or OBOL = Brass coin
The 13 Gods of AERDY (the Great Suel Empire):
RONEUS = War God, the noble one, Brother of Hextor (think Athena)
NERULL = God of Death and Undeath (think Hades/Pluto)
WEE JAS = Goddess of Magic and Death (think Hecate)
BOCCOB = Goddess/God of Magic and Mysteries
ALIA-ISTIA the STERN a.k.a. ISTIA/ISTUS = Goddess of Fate (think the Fates/Norns/Muses meet Hera/Juno) Alia-Istia is mother of the Twin War Gods – and founders of Rauxes and the Empire - Hextor and Roneus, Holder of the Fates, Goddess of Culture, Motherhood, Law and the Home
DAMMARUS = Festivity and Messenger God (think Hermes/Mercury meet Bacchus)
MYHRISS = Goddess of Love and Beauty (think Aphrodite)
KORD = God of Trials, Strength and Athletics (think Heracles/Hercules)
PELOR = Sun God of Art and Healing (think Apollo)
EHLONNA = Moon Goddess of Horses and Virginity (think Artemis/Diana)
ERYTHNUL = Goddess/God of Malice and Envy (think Furies)
VECNA = God of Secrets – the first Lich
Other Gods/Faiths of the Realms:
OLD FAITH = Druidic faith
BEORY = Goddess of Nature (often incorporated in Old Faith above)
OBAD-HAI = God of Nature (often incorporated in Old Faith above)
FHARLANGHN = God of Travel and Horizons (often incorporated in Old Faith above)
RAO = God of Peace & Reason
ST-CUTHBERT = Saint who walked the earth, later said to be the son of Rao and elevated to the status of God
PHOLTUS = God of Light & Law
IUZ = Evil Living God, ruler of an Empire
Non-human Gods:
BAHAMUT = God of Good Dragons
TIAMAT = Goddess of Evil Dragons
CERELLON = God of High Elves (Art & Magic)
GRUUMSH = God of Orcs
LOLTH = Goddess of Drows
MAGLUBIYET = God of Goblins
MORADIN = God of Dwarves
RILIFANE = God of Wood Elves
SEHANINE = Elven Moon Goddess
YONDALLA = Goddess of Halflings
Human Languages
Nyrondese (English), Oerydian (French), Velondi (Spanish/Italian), Feruz (Nordic/German), Bisselic (Russian/Slavic), Suel (Latin), Sylvan (Gaelic), Baklunish (Arabic), Zindi (Hindi), Hepmoan (Zulu), Nippon (Japanese), Wu (Chinese) etc.
Human Languages in Oerik:
Non-Human Languages
Elvish, Dwarven, Gnomish, Halfling, Draconic, Goblin, Orc, etc.
The Calendar (Suel / Flanaess / Elven)
1 – Nerius / Fireseek / Diamondice
2 - Myrius / Readying / Yellowillow
3 – Hextius / Coldeven / Snowflowers
4 - Elius / Planting / Blossoms
5 – Olidius / Flocktime / Violets
6 – Cobius / Wealsun / Berrytime
Richfest (+Shieldmeet 1/4 years)
7 – Pelius / Reaping / Goldfields
8 – Korius / Goodmonth / Sunflowers
9 – Reus / Harvester / Fruitfall
10 – Istus / Patchwall / Brightleaf
11 – Erius / Ready’Reat / Tinklingice
12 – Wejius / Sunsebb / Lacysnows
Each month is 28 days, each festival is 7 days except Richfest which is 8 days.
Shieldmeet is on leap years (every 4 years).
The year is thus 365(6) days.
The Moons (Luna & Celene)
Kalendae (Kalends) — day of the new moon.
Nonae (Nones) — day of the half moon.
Idūs (Ides) — day of the full moon.
Days of the (7-day) week
Starday work
Sunday work
Moonday work
Godsday worship
Waterday work
Earthday work
Freeday rest
Times of Day
- LAUDES: Morning Prayer just before sunrise (5-6am)
- PRIMA: First Hour (sunrise roughly 6am)
- TERTIA: Third Hour (roughly 9am)
- SEXTA: Sixth Hour (roughly 12am)
- NONA: Ninth Hour (roughly 3pm)
- VESPER: Evening Prayer just before sunset
(roughly 5-6pm)
- KOMPLET: Night Prayer just after sunset
- METTE: Religious service in the middle of the night (usually between midnight and 2am)
General History
Point of Reference
Our own late medieval European world. Some early renaissance advances/technologies have begun to appear.
Before mankind, the lands were populated by the elder races: Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Dragons etc.
As mankind evolved, the Suel race (think Caucassian) migrated and thrived in Western Oerik, a continent known as the Flanaess.
To the West, the Baklun race (think Arabic) evolved out of the fertile Araya (think Egypt), reaching the western borders of the Suel.
To the South-West, the Zindi race (think India) thrived and crept into the southern underbelly of the Flanaess, reaching its borders there.
To the South, the Hepmoan race (think Africa) evolved in those tropical and sub-tropical lands.
To the far West lie the lands of Wu (think China) and Nippon (think Japan).
The great Suel Empire of Aerdy (think Rome) has emcompassed most of the Flanaess for the longest time. Having grown old and decadent, the Empire has lost control over large swathes of territory that have evolved over time into feudal states such as Furyondy, Veluna, Nyrond, Keoland, Bissel, etc.
Magic in the Flanaess comes from 3 major sources: Suel, Baklun and Elven. Dragon magic is also said to have a rich heritage, though its intricacies remain a mystery to most.
Technology has flowed from all the elder races. The Dwarves and Gnomes have made a particular rich contribution there.
Aerdian Empire General Info
Imperial Offices
Pontifex Maximus: Supreme Head of State Religion, controller of all the religious colleges including the Vestal Virgins, has control over doctrine, to a great extent above jurisdiction of the Senate.
Censor: Magistrate responsible for maintaining the census (used to determine taxes), supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government's finances.
Consul: 2 chosen Magistrates with vast executive powers, also given veto power (ius intercessionis) over his colleagues. One is the patrician consul, one the plebeian consul.
Praetor: Magistrate over Justice and Laws, particularly the Ius Civiles (civil, not criminal, law) and Ius Gentium (laws dealing with foreigners).
SubPraetor: appointed by the Praetor to perform his duties in a province, in part of a province or on some specific mandate.
Aedile: Administrative Office in charge of streets, temples and the quarters of a city, plus the distribution of the cura annonae, the all important grain supply.
Quaestor: Magistrate in charge of managing the Treasury.
Proconsul: Magistrate with equivalent consular authority and powers for the important provinces of the Empire.
Tribune: elected or appointed Plebeian with the power to convene the Plebeian Council and to act as its president, which also gave them the right to propose legislation before it. Like other High Offices they are sacrosanct, in the sense that any assault on their person was prohibited. They have the power to veto actions taken by magistrates, and specifically to intervene legally on behalf of plebeians.
Senator: An official with the power to pass decrees called senatus consultum, which in form constituted "advice" from the senate to a magistrate. While these advices do not hold legal force, they usually are obeyed in practice; especially the case with regards to its management of state finances, as only it could authorize the disbursal of public fund from the treasury. He directs the magistrates, especially the Consuls (the chief-magistrates) in their prosecution of military conflicts. The ethical requirements of senators are significant. A Senator cannot engage in banking or any form of public contract. He cannot own a ship that is large enough to participate in foreign commerce, and he cannot leave the Empire without permission from the senate. And since he is not paid, individuals usually seek to become senators only if they are independently wealthy.
IMPORTANT: All this in the current Empire is more theory then practice.
Governor: official either elected or appointed to be the chief administrator of Aerdian law in a given province. He is responsible for taxation and financial management, acts as the province's chief judge and commands the military forces within the province (legion or auxiliaries).
Comites: Governor’s advisors and staff.
SubQuaestor: Governor's second-in-command, usually for financial issues.
Procurator: appointed by a Governor to perform his duties in a part of the province.
Lictor: civil servant with the special tasks of attending and guarding magistrates. They wield the Fasces, a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe blade emerging from the center, a symbol of the Republic.
Pontifex Maximus: Supreme Head of State Religion, controller of all the religious colleges including the Vestal Virgins, has control over doctrine, to a great extent above jurisdiction of the Senate.
Censor: Magistrate responsible for maintaining the census (used to determine taxes), supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government's finances.
Consul: 2 chosen Magistrates with vast executive powers, also given veto power (ius intercessionis) over his colleagues. One is the patrician consul, one the plebeian consul.
Praetor: Magistrate over Justice and Laws, particularly the Ius Civiles (civil, not criminal, law) and Ius Gentium (laws dealing with foreigners).
SubPraetor: appointed by the Praetor to perform his duties in a province, in part of a province or on some specific mandate.
Aedile: Administrative Office in charge of streets, temples and the quarters of a city, plus the distribution of the cura annonae, the all important grain supply.
Quaestor: Magistrate in charge of managing the Treasury.
Proconsul: Magistrate with equivalent consular authority and powers for the important provinces of the Empire.
Tribune: elected or appointed Plebeian with the power to convene the Plebeian Council and to act as its president, which also gave them the right to propose legislation before it. Like other High Offices they are sacrosanct, in the sense that any assault on their person was prohibited. They have the power to veto actions taken by magistrates, and specifically to intervene legally on behalf of plebeians.
Senator: An official with the power to pass decrees called senatus consultum, which in form constituted "advice" from the senate to a magistrate. While these advices do not hold legal force, they usually are obeyed in practice; especially the case with regards to its management of state finances, as only it could authorize the disbursal of public fund from the treasury. He directs the magistrates, especially the Consuls (the chief-magistrates) in their prosecution of military conflicts. The ethical requirements of senators are significant. A Senator cannot engage in banking or any form of public contract. He cannot own a ship that is large enough to participate in foreign commerce, and he cannot leave the Empire without permission from the senate. And since he is not paid, individuals usually seek to become senators only if they are independently wealthy.
IMPORTANT: All this in the current Empire is more theory then practice.
Governor: official either elected or appointed to be the chief administrator of Aerdian law in a given province. He is responsible for taxation and financial management, acts as the province's chief judge and commands the military forces within the province (legion or auxiliaries).
Comites: Governor’s advisors and staff.
SubQuaestor: Governor's second-in-command, usually for financial issues.
Procurator: appointed by a Governor to perform his duties in a part of the province.
Lictor: civil servant with the special tasks of attending and guarding magistrates. They wield the Fasces, a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe blade emerging from the center, a symbol of the Republic.
Imperial Legion
Legatus Legionis: The overall Legionary commander.
Tribunus Laticlavius: Second in command.
Praefectus Castrorum: The camp Prefect, third in command.
Tribuni Angusticlavii: Military tribunes (5 in every legion usually).
Primus Pilus: Senior centurion of the entire Legion.
Aquilifer: Legion's Standard or Eagle bearer.
Signifer: Responsible for the men's pay and savings.
Cornicen: Horn blower.
Centurion: Century commander.
Optio: Centurion’s second in command.
Decurion: Conterbernium commander.
Immunes: Trained specialists (surgeons, engineers, surveyors, architects, craftsmen, etc.).
Legionary (or Milites): Basic soldier.
Tirones: The basic new recruit.
Contubernium: (tent group) consists of 8 men.
Centuria: is made up of 10 contubernium with a total of 80 men commanded by a Centurion.
Cohort: includes 6 Centuriae or a total of 480 fighting men, not including officers. In addition the first cohort is double strength but with only 5 Centuriae instead of the normal 6. A Legion consists of 10 cohorts. Additionally each Legion had a 120 man Alae (cavalry unit) called the Eques Legionis or Equites permanently attached to it possibly to be used as scouts and messengers.
Velites: Skirmishers
Hastati: First Rank soldiers
Principes: Second Rank soldiers
Triarii: Veteran Heavy Infantry
Equites: Cavalry
Sagittarius Auxilia: Archers
Auxiliairii: Generic name given to any secondary (and mercenary) troops
Lorica Lamina: Plate Armor
Lorica Segmentata: Banded Plate Armor
Lorica Hamata: Chain Armor
Scutum: Shield
Legatus Legionis: The overall Legionary commander.
Tribunus Laticlavius: Second in command.
Praefectus Castrorum: The camp Prefect, third in command.
Tribuni Angusticlavii: Military tribunes (5 in every legion usually).
Primus Pilus: Senior centurion of the entire Legion.
Aquilifer: Legion's Standard or Eagle bearer.
Signifer: Responsible for the men's pay and savings.
Cornicen: Horn blower.
Centurion: Century commander.
Optio: Centurion’s second in command.
Decurion: Conterbernium commander.
Immunes: Trained specialists (surgeons, engineers, surveyors, architects, craftsmen, etc.).
Legionary (or Milites): Basic soldier.
Tirones: The basic new recruit.
Contubernium: (tent group) consists of 8 men.
Centuria: is made up of 10 contubernium with a total of 80 men commanded by a Centurion.
Cohort: includes 6 Centuriae or a total of 480 fighting men, not including officers. In addition the first cohort is double strength but with only 5 Centuriae instead of the normal 6. A Legion consists of 10 cohorts. Additionally each Legion had a 120 man Alae (cavalry unit) called the Eques Legionis or Equites permanently attached to it possibly to be used as scouts and messengers.
Velites: Skirmishers
Hastati: First Rank soldiers
Principes: Second Rank soldiers
Triarii: Veteran Heavy Infantry
Equites: Cavalry
Sagittarius Auxilia: Archers
Auxiliairii: Generic name given to any secondary (and mercenary) troops
Lorica Lamina: Plate Armor
Lorica Segmentata: Banded Plate Armor
Lorica Hamata: Chain Armor
Scutum: Shield
Hasta: Long Spear
Pilum: Iron-tipped Throwing Spear
Spatha: LongSword
Gladius: ShortSword
Pugio: Dagger
Pilum: Iron-tipped Throwing Spear
Spatha: LongSword
Gladius: ShortSword
Pugio: Dagger
More History from our (first) Verbonc Campaign:
Viscounty of VERBONC
A semi-independent realm owing fealty to both Furyondy and Veluna.
Ruler: ‘Votre Noble Seigneurie, Messire Wilfrick, Visconte de Verbonc, cousin de sa majesté le Roi de Furyondy, Judices Palatini de Veluna, Maréchal des forêts Gnarley et colines de Kron’ is an old man whose health has been poor of late. He rules from ‘Castel GantGris’, their family keep in Verbonc. Wilfrick is traditional and enmeshed in the age-old strifes of nobility: the complicated balancing act between his vassal oath to King Belvor of Furyondy and his perennial holy ties to Veluna. Adding to this are the problems caused by the cultural discordance within the Viscounty between Oerydians and Nyronds, not to mention the pesky unruly Gnomes of the Kron and the aloof arrogant elves of the Gnarley.
His oldest son and heir is ‘Le Juste Honorable Fenvard Le Gauche’.
About Hommlet: The Visconte has very recently held audience concerning the Moathouse. Though some petty lords -mostly unproven knights- made a bid to claim it in his name, The Visconte held firm in his belief Rufius is the right man for the job (Rufius is currently appointed regent-mayor of Hommlet). Opposition clamored at preferential treatment for a man of low birth.
The ambassador of Veluna, Ignado Banes, also Bishop to the Church of St-Cuthbert, offered to make the lands part of the Diocese. He impressed on the Visconte the importance of Faith and how St-Cuthbert had toiled hard in his service in that region. He concluded that should Rufius convert to the God-Saint he would bless his Lordship of the ecclesiastic lands.
Rufius: Early 30s – born of Oerydian Bourgeois background, 4th son of a successful leatherworker in Chainon (Oakham in Nyrondese), second largest town in the Viscounty. Entered the military young, earned some fame in the Iuz invasion of Furyondy a decade ago, promoted to captain of arms in the infantry. Met Berne in his travels North, the two have adventured together half a decade, earning more notoriety in the Viscounty. Their most famous achievement involved a Green Dragon from the Gnarley. His rumoured elevation to the title of Knighthood by the Viscount has brought some potential suitors to his doorstep. It is unknown why he has not married yet at this late age.
Berne: Mid to late 30s – born of Oerydian Bourgeois background, most likely from Furyondy. Met Rufius during the Iuz invasion and travelled with him after (see above). A member in good standing of the ‘La Grande Académie Arcane de Willip’ (Furyondy), he is also lecturer at the ‘Collège de la Haute Magie de Verbonc’. He is said to run a small trade in his spare time between both towns. He is a bachelor who seems to have little time for the distractions of married life.
Coinage: Golden Leaf (GP), Silver Wheatsheaf (SP), Copper Spire (CP), ‘The Common’ (BP)
Religion: St-Cuthbert (towns, nobility), Old Faith i.e. Druidic Faith (rural, common folk)
Languages: Oerydyan (north/north-east, nobility), Nyrondese (common folk), some Velondi (north-west), Gnomish in the Kron Hills, some Elvish close to the Gnarley Forest
Capital: Verbonc
Major Towns: Chainon (Oakham in Nyrondese)
History: The Viscounty was a relatively quiet place until the first appearance of the Cult of Elemental Evil many decades ago now.
What started it all ...
- Hommlet is situated in the central part of the Flanaess, in the Western Oerik Continent. It lies some 30 leagues (90 miles), south-est of Verbonc, on the fringe of territory controlled by the Noble Lord the Viscount of Verbonc, Wilfrick.
- To the North is the mighty Velverdyva river, along whose bank runs the Low Road. Many day’s travel to the east, on the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths (Nyr Dyv), is the great walled city of Dyvres (or Dyvers). The village of Sobanwych lies about halfway along the route.
- Below to the southeast and east are miles and miles of the Gnarley Forest, beyond which is the Wild Coast and Woolly Bay. The road south forks a league or so beyond the little community, one branch meandering off to the Wild Coast, the other rolling through the lower Kron hills to the village of Ostverk, and then eventually turning southward again into the elven Kingdom of Celene.
- The western route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day’s distant and going outwards to the Lortmil Mountains far beyond.
History (and rumours):
- Hommlet grew from a farm or two, a rest house, and a smithy. The roads brought sufficient number of travelers and merchant wagons to attract tradesmen and artisans to serve those passing through. The resthouse became a thriving inn, prosperity was great, for the Lord of the district was mild (and far away) and taxed but little.
- Evil came west from Dyvres (as claimed by one faction) or crept up out of the forestland bordering the Wild Coast (as others assert). At first it was only a few thieves and bandits, then came small bands of humanoids.
- A collection of hovels and their slovenly inhabitants formed Nulb, the nucleus for the troubles which were to increase, leading to a wicked cleric establishing a small chapel. Over time, the chapel grew into a stone temple. Swarms of creatures worshipped and worked their wickedness within: the servants of the Temple of Elemental Evil made Hommlet and the lands for leagues around a mockery of freedom and beauty. Commerce ceased, crops withered, pestilence was abroad.
- Fortunately, the leaders of this cancer were full of hubris and, in their overwhelming pride, sought to overthrow the good realms to the North. Humans were joined by Dwarves, Gnomes and Elves: a great battle was fought at the Emridy Meadows. The walled stronghold of the Temple fell in a fortnight, despite the aid of a terrible Demon. The place was ruined and sealed against a further return of such abominations by powerful blessings and magics.
- Life slowly returned to Hommlet, the village richer and more prosperous than ever before. A monstrous Troll which plagued the countryside was hunted down by a party of passing adventurers, returning a portion of the villager’s losses before going elsewhere to seek their fortunes. Other adventurers, knowing of the evil that had once resided in the area, came to seek out similar caches. Several did find remote lairs and wealth, some never returned at all. After a time, adventurers stopped coming to the area: it seemed there were no monsters left to slay, no evil to be stamped out.
- Hommlet continued its quiet existence then, a year ago, bandits began to ride the roads again. Word was sent to the Viscount that wicked forces might still lurk thereabouts. This information has been spread throughout the countryside, and the news has attracted outsiders to the village once again. Who these men are, no one can be quite sure. All claim to be bent on slaying monsters and bringing peace and security to Hommlet.
You are one of such people …
The village of Hommlet:
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